According to the National Airline “Uzbekistan Airways” in 2014 NAC aircraft performed 23,811 flights. On the directions of the far abroad made 5821 flights, on CIS countries – 8973 flights, on domestic routes – 9017.
The national airline carried 2,625,000 passengers on routes abroad – 807 thousands, on CIS countries – 1252 thousands, on domestic flights – 566 thousands passengers. The average passenger load per flight is 110 passengers. Transported 43 thousands tons of freight, including baggage and mail, growth in comparison with 2013 – 4.6 percent.
The Council discussed the state of NAC safety, progress on the implementation of the QMS, and the standards of IOSA.
Audited for compliance with the requirements of ISO 9001: 2008 KMTS “Uzaviatehsnab” Summer and airport “Tashkent”, “Karshi”, “Samarkand”, “Bukhara”, “Nukus”, “Urgench”. Successfully passed the re-certification audit SUE “Ketring” UTC, AIS Quan, airport “Urgench”, “Andijan”, “Fergana” and “Navoi”, UPS NAC, UGP and SCP CD – Precertification and certification audit. In September of this year is expected to yield the ISO 9001: 2015. To pass the IOSA audit decided to revise the guidelines for compliance with the requirements of 9 edition of these standards