NAC “Uzbekistan airways” transported more than 2, 6 million passengers in 2014

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January 28, 2015

NAC “Uzbekistan airways” transported more than 2, 6 million passengers in 2014

According to the National Airline “Uzbekistan Airways” in 2014 NAC aircraft performed 23,811 flights. On the directions of the far abroad made 5821 flights, on CIS countries – 8973 flights, on domestic routes – 9017.


The national airline carried 2,625,000 passengers on routes abroad – 807 thousands, on CIS countries – 1252 thousands, on domestic flights – 566 thousands passengers. The average passenger load per flight is 110 passengers. Transported 43 thousands tons of freight, including baggage and mail, growth in comparison with 2013 – 4.6 percent.

The Council discussed the state of NAC safety, progress on the implementation of the QMS, and the standards of IOSA.

Audited for compliance with the requirements of ISO 9001: 2008 KMTS “Uzaviatehsnab” Summer and airport “Tashkent”, “Karshi”, “Samarkand”, “Bukhara”, “Nukus”, “Urgench”. Successfully passed the re-certification audit SUE “Ketring” UTC, AIS Quan, airport “Urgench”, “Andijan”, “Fergana” and “Navoi”, UPS NAC, UGP and SCP CD – Precertification and certification audit. In September of this year is expected to yield the ISO 9001: 2015. To pass the IOSA audit decided to revise the guidelines for compliance with the requirements of 9 edition of these standards