“Investment portal of Uzbekistan”

Citizens of 76 countries will be able to get an electronic visa to Uzbekistan (List)

Uzbekistan announces visa waiver for citizens of 45 countries (List)

Important Visa Information for Indian Citizens Travelling to Uzbekistan

October 29, 2016



The V th National Information and Library Week “INFOLIB – 2016” launched at the National Library of Uzbekistan named after Alisher Navoi.

The representatives of ministries and departments, creative and public organizations, workers of information and library establishments of different regions and sectors, teachers, advocates of spirituality, students and youth were invited to the event.

First Deputy Minister of Development of Information Technologies and Communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan A.Fayzullaev, chairman of the Union of Writers of Uzbekistan M.Ahmedov, director of the National Library of Uzbekistan named after Alisher Navoi A.Khodjaev and others noted that under the leadership of the First President of our country Islam Karimov was created a solid foundation for education of young people as harmonious developed personalities, support interest in reading.

Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On information and library activity”, the regulatory and legal documents, relating to the provision of information and library services to population are of importance in this direction.

In particular, a large-scale work on the introduction of ICT in education, the establishment of the information and library institutions in the spirit of the times, the strengthening of material and technical base – is implemented.

The main goal of the National Information and Library Week “INFOLIB – 2016”, organized by the National Library of Uzbekistan named after Alisher Navoi , the ministries for Development of Information Technologies and Communications, Higher and Secondary Specialized Education, Public Education, Culture and Sport Affairs, Health, the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, the Council of the Federation of Trade Unions of Uzbekistan (CFTUU), the Uzbekistan Press and Information Agency, the Center of Secondary-Specialized and Professional Education, is to improve the reading culture of youth, enrich the spiritual and cultural heritage, expand the possibilities of providing quality information and library services via Internet, use modern technologies, improve the social and cultural role of education institutions in the provision of library services to various segments of the population.

Within the National Information and Library Week “INFOLIB – 2016” will be organized activities such as video dialogue “25 years of Independence: the dynamics of development of regions”, the contest “Specialist of the best information and library institution-2016,” training seminar “Actual problems of cataloging information and library resources,” educational seminars “Bibliographic activity of information – library establishments of Uzbekistan: prospects of development,” “Preservation, restoration, conservation and creation of an electronic database of information-library resources on the basis of modern technology,” training “Marketing in the field of information and library work.”

Every day of the Week will be themed – Open Day, “Creativity,” “Competitions,” “Knowledge’s and foreign languages,” “Cultural diversity.”
Presentation of the complex “Information Culture of Student”, established jointly by the National Library of Uzbekistan named after Alisher Navoi, the Ministry of Public Education and UNESCO Office in Uzbekistan, also will increase the reading culture, the culture of the use of Internet resources and other sources among 1-4 grades pupils, presentation of educational programmes “Distance learning tools in the “ZiyoNET” network” are equally of great interest ro the teachers, students, school pupils and others. Various cultural and educational activities, the evenings of music, poetry, presentations of new books, meetings with writers and poets, artists, sportsmens, educational films showing – also will be held.

At the events, organized by the embassies of foreign countries, the British Council in Uzbekistan, the Goethe Institute in Tashkent, foreign educational programs, workshops on national handicraft, fine arts, chess will enrich children’s knowledge even more. As part of the Week, in the reading halls of the library will be conducted an exhibition of new literature, fair of production of book and publishing trade organizations. Among the pupils of schools, professional colleges and academic lyceums will be held literary game “Journey to the ocean of books,” quiz “Do you know your rights in the field of education?”, literary, artistic competitions “My Motherland – in pictures”, “The Future of Uzbekistan – in my understanding” that will contribute to the development of young people thinking.

On the first day of the National Information and Library Week “INFOLIB – 2016” for the young students were conducted an excursion around the National Library, concerts, meetings with artists, educational seminars for employees of information and library facilities, video dialogue, awareness-raising activities.