New Grants of the Public Fund

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July 4, 2016

New Grants of the Public Fund


The Public Fund on the support of non-government non-commercial organizations and other civil society institutions under the Oliy Majlis announced the commencement of accepting documents for allocation of government grants for socially significant NGO projects in connection with the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Republic’s independence.

Socially important projects on the subject “Support of projects aimed at informing the public on the achievements of the Republic during the years of independence in different spheres of life” shall be accepted in the following directions:

– organization of practical, cultural-enlightenment and information-explanatory undertakings embodying the main idea “My life, my destiny – my native and unique Uzbekistan!”

– preparation of special TV programs and publications revealing the significance of independence, which provided the people of Uzbekistan unlimited opportunities for the revival of national statehood and identity, customs and traditions, glorification of bright names of our great ancestors, and shaping a healthy and harmoniously developed new generation;

– informing the broad public about consistent measures on the preservation of peace and tranquility carried out in Uzbekistan, consolidation of inter-ethnic and civil accord, maintenance and development of unique national traditions and customs of representatives of different nations and nationalities living in the Republic;

– publication of a series of analytical materials devoted to revealing the essence and significance of globally recognized “Uzbek model” based on the five principles of Uzbekistan’s own road of development;

– creating awareness among the broad public and demonstrating through truthful examples the practical implementation of a strong social policy carried out in Uzbekistan;

– elaboration and setting up in Internet specialized sites with the objective of dissemination of objective and authentic information in the English and other foreign languages, which would reflect the key aspects of Uzbekistan’s internal and external policies and the results  of political, legislative and socio-economic reforms carried out in this country;

– elaboration and lodging information in specialized encyclopedic Internet resources on the history, culture and arts of Uzbekistan in the foreign languages, about outstanding personalities, achievements of the Republic in different spheres of public life during the years of independence;

– popularizing the objects of non-material cultural heritage of the peoples of Uzbekistan (folk artistic crafts and applied art, monuments of folk art, national holidays, festivals, national cuisine, etc.) among foreign audience;

– dissemination of information materials in the Internet networks on the unique exhibits reflecting the rich historical and cultural heritage of the peoples of Uzbekistan;

– organization and conducting photo competitions aimed at popularizing the history and culture of the peoples of Uzbekistan, attracting interest to its historical and cultural heritage, beauty and diversity of Uzbekistan’s nature.

Socially important projects on the subject “Raising the activities of the population, and the civil society institutions in the solution of issues related to environmental protection and rational utilization of natural resources” shall be accepted in the following directions:

– raising the awareness of population about the implemented organizational and legal undertakings carried out in the country in the sphere of protection of the environment and the health of the population, its activeness in the solution of actual ecological problems on the ground;

– informing the broad public about the essence and significance of the Law “On ecological control”, practical realization of public ecological control and the activities of public inspectors;

– development of ecological education, dissemination of ecological knowledge, raising the level of ecological and medical culture of population, propagation of the healthy way of life, broad involvement of different strata of population in the solution of ecological problems;

– prevention of violations in the field of environmental protection legislation and rational utilization of natural resources through conducting a wide-scale information-explanatory activities and carrying out public ecological control;

– strengthening protection of the environment, consolidation the health of the population, popularizing the healthy lifestyles in the society, shaping up necessary conditions for bringing up a healthy generation;

– enhancing public activities in the spheres of landscaping and greenery planting, improving sanitary and environmental conditions in the territories of mahallas, including through khashars (voluntary public works) and various activities and events;

– promoting the introduction of environmentally-friendly and resource-saving technologies, waste processing, renewable energy sources at the enterprises, medical and educational institutions, and improvement of technological processes in manufacturing industries;

– setting up necessary conditions for strengthening the protection of environment, prevention of its negative impact on the health of the population, bringing up healthy generation and popularization of healthy lifestyles in the society;

– softening the consequences of the Aral Sea disaster on the environment and the health of the population, rehabilitation and improvement of the ecological situation in the Aral Sea area and other ecologically unfavorable territories of the country;

– development of ecological tourism in Uzbekistan, informational and infrastructural logistics of eco-touristic activities, organization of eco-touristic routes and popularization of ecotourism among the population of the Republic;

– development of ecological journalism, raising the quality of publications on the problems of protection and rational utilization of natural resources and creation of specialized Internet resources in the Uzbek, Russian and English languages, devoted to the unique beauty and diversity of nature in Uzbekistan and the unique flora and fauna of the Republic;

– introduction of modern technologies and protection of rare species of animals and plants;

– expansion of educational and enlightening activities with the objective of radical alteration of the world outlook and perception of the younger generation on the issues of energy and resource saving;

The amount of allocated grant per project is up to 25 million soums; documents shall be accepted from the 25th of June till the 25th of July, 2016.

Terms and conditions of provision of documents and their samples can be found at the Public Fund’s official site: