New stage in development of literature and spirituality

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April 7, 2018

New stage in development of literature and spirituality

The Union of Writers of Uzbekistan held an event in connection with the adoption of the resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev “On measures of further improving activities of the Union of Writers of Uzbekistan” of April 5 this year.

The event was attended by representatives of state and public organizations, writers and poets, literary scholars, young writers, and mass media workers.

Large-scale activities on further development of national literature are carried out in Uzbekistan. In particular, the House of creativity “Durmon” and the polyclinic of the Union of Writers of Uzbekistan were reconstructed, the public Fund “Ijod” was formed under the Union. The Alley of writers has been created in Tashkent, a new building has been provided to the Union of Writers, creative schools, parks of culture and recreation are being built in the regions, which are named after famous writers and poets. Anniversaries of outstanding representatives of literature are widely celebrated, various events for education and supporting talented youth are held. The first books of young authors are published at the expense of the state in thousands of copies and delivered to schools and libraries. Consecutive work is being held on development of system of publication and dissemination of books, improvement of culture of reading. Adoption of important documents on wide study and promotion of creative heritage of great writers of fraternal people, celebration of their birthdays will serve to further strengthening cultural and creative ties between the people.

New stage in development of literature and spirituality

As noted in the resolution, the Union of Writers of Uzbekistan plays a significant role in development of modern Uzbek literature – one of the authoritative creative organizations of the country with more than 80 years of history. However, it should be noted that the main activities of the Union of Writers, its Charter and organizational structure do not fully meet the requirements of the time.

This historical document, which consists of twenty four items, identifies such extremely important and actual tasks as improving and increasing the efficiency of activities of the Union of Writers of Uzbekistan, the social and spiritual responsibility of its members, encouraging them to create highly artistic works, providing material and moral support, copyright protection, formation of modern and effective criteria for admission to the Union of Writers to preserve the high authority and status of this organization, improving its quality, as well as identification of young talents, assisting in manifestation of their abilities, translation and publication of the best examples of world literature into Uzbek, translation of selected works of classical and modern Uzbek literature into foreign languages, formation of an electronic Fund of literature in Uzbek.

Festive event for workers of the creative shop has been also organized in the House of creativity “Durmen”. New members of the Union of Writers of Uzbekistan were awarded membership tickets.