The State Unitary Enterprise “Center for Certification of Tourist Services” of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Development of Tourism has developed the state standard of the Republic of Uzbekistan O’z DSt 3296:2018 “Tourist services. Hotels and similar accommodation facilities. Classification system”.
According to the Press Service of the State Committee on Development of Tourism of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the standard was agreed with the interested ministries and departments, approved by the technical committee on standardization in tourism and by the Resolution of the Standartization, metrology and certification agency of Uzbekistan (“Uzstandard” Agency) of 07.02.2018, No.08-925.
This standard establishes a classification system of hotels and similar accommodation facilities and replaces STD 28681.4.-95.
This standard establishes a system for classification of hotels and similar accommodation facilities, including requirements for the adjacent territory, buildings, premises, rooms, technical equipment, personnel, information support, accommodation facilities services.
Current requirements for accommodation facilities according to O’z DSt 3220:2017, establishing general (minimum) requirements for hotels and similar accommodation facilities are taken into account in development of the standard. The standard, unlike the previous standard, reads the classification not only of hotels and motels, but also aparthotels, a complex of apartments (residences), hotels with luxury rooms, spa hotels, boutique hotels and other similar accommodation facilities.
The date of introduction of this standard is August 1, 2018. Starting from this date, the requirements of the standard will be mandatory for application for certification and inspection control by the certification body of tourist services and enterprises of various forms of ownership when providing hotel services.