The Uzbekistan International Oil & Gas Conference (OGU) will open on the 14 May 2014 at International Hotel Tashkent. The conference is organised by ITE Uzbekistan and their partners, ITE Group.
As an important part of the exhibition business programme, the international conference will provide an excellent opportunity to discuss current issues in the further development of the oil and gas sector, key fields in the industry and opportunities for increased cooperation. All of the conditions are in place for the comfortable and productive discussion of important projects, tactics, strategy and partnership.
The conference has the support of Uzbekneftegaz National Holding Company.
The important issues on the agenda of the plenary and technical sessions on 14-15 May 2014 include the “Development Of Uzbekistan’s Oil And Gas Industry”, “International Cooperation – Success Stories And New Opportunities”, “Financing Oil and Gas Projects in Uzbekistan”, “Deep Hydrocarbon Processing Technologies” and “Exploration Experience And Enhanced Oil Recovery – What Has Worked And What Is Needed”.
The speakers will discuss the evolution of the oil and gas industry of Uzbekistan; priorities for the development of the industry up to 2020; the role of Russia, China, Korea, European Union and USA in the development of the oil and gas sector in Uzbekistan; the deep processing of liquid hydrocarbons and natural gas in Uzbekistan and the effectiveness of technologies today. This is only a small list of the main subjects that will be at the centre of discussion over the two days of the forum.
The purpose of the conference is to increase cooperation between oil and gas companies and their contractors and suppliers.
Nearly 400 delegates will take part in the conference, with 120 foreign experts from 22 countries, including Great Britain, Hungary, Vietnam, Denmark, Germany, Iran, Italy, Kazakhstan, China, Korea, Malaysia, Poland, Russia, Romania, Oman, USA, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, France and South Africa.
Speakers making presenting at OGU will include the heads of major companies, international unions, associations, chambers of trade and international financial corporations, such as Dentons, International Gas Union, European Union Representative Office for Central Asia, LUKOIL Overseas, Gazprom EP International B.V., WorleyParsons, Petrovietnam, Kossor Operating Company LLC, Uzbekistan GTL LLC, Uz-Kor Gas Chemical Company and many others.
Uzbekneftegaz will head the Uzbekistan delegation with their subdivisions, including Neftegazinvest, Neftegazdeposit, Uzbeftegazdobycha, Uzgeoburneftegaz, Uztransgaz, Uznefteprodukt and Uzlitineftegas.
The International OGU 2014 conference is a platform for the discussion of supporting and optimising extraction and international experiences of using technology to address complex issues in the industry.