“Investment portal of Uzbekistan”

Citizens of 76 countries will be able to get an electronic visa to Uzbekistan (List)

Uzbekistan announces visa waiver for citizens of 45 countries (List)

Important Visa Information for Indian Citizens Travelling to Uzbekistan

January 18, 2017



The Public Opinion Center “Ijtimoiy Fikr” has conducted a survey to identify the population estimates of socio-economic and socio-political development of the country in the past year, as well as citizens’ social sentiments.

The vast majority of the population (97.5%) positively characterizes the contemporary socio-economic situation in our country and assesses it as “good and stable”.

People are satisfied with the level of development and the state of affairs in such key areas as the economy, small business and private entrepreneurship, protection of the rights and freedoms of others.

In particular, more than two thirds of respondents believe that their social position has improved in 2016. Analysis of financial revenues in the personal budget of families and the population’s dynamics of monetary savings showed that increase in incomes from business and farming activities, increase wages and pensions was observed. It is noteworthy that the higher the level of education of the respondents, the less they called the material cause of the problem of dissatisfaction with their lives.

The survey demonstrated that the announcement by the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev of 2017 as the Year of Dialogue with the People and Human Interests was perceived by the population as a guarantee that in the coming year, our country will reach high levels in the social, economic and cultural fields, the development of science and education, and the main task It will ensure the rule of law and human interests.

Citizens are encouraged by the President’s initiative to foster the creation of People’s reception rooms whose activities will be aimed at protecting the interests of people, address their most pressing issues affecting the general public.

According to 93.8% of the respondents, they feel legal protection against possible infringements of their rights and freedoms. Thus, 71.8% of citizens believe that the recovery will achieve their legitimate rights if they are violated.

However, people have expressed partial satisfaction with the quality of medical services, the level of the work of some educational institutions. The survey revealed a lack of effectiveness of the local executive authorities on solving urgent social and economic problems, as well as the accessibility and transparency of information for citizens about the work of local authorities. In particular, 38.7% of respondents were satisfied with the work of local authorities, 42.8% – partially satisfied, and 13.6% – are satisfied.

The survey also revealed that citizens overwhelmingly support the President’s initiative to continue working towards consolidating respect for the law in the society, intolerance to offenses, and fight against corruption.

A high index of social well-being of citizens, which was determined by the study outcomes, testifies to the satisfaction of social and economic conditions of life, optimism of the population and its faith in the future.