The ongoing fundamental reforms, which have been implemented in Uzbekistan since the first days of independence, and are aimed at construction of a prosperous democratic state and society, have a clear social vector.
The concern for upbringing of the comprehensively advanced younger generation with broad outlook, creative thinking and sough-after profession is the key priority of all the reforms in the country. The noblest objectives of the country’s leadership, the place of Uzbekistan in the world community depend largely on the new generation, on what kind of people will grow out of our children.
Creation of favorable environment for the comprehensive development of the growing generation is an integral part of the Uzbek people’s mentality. It has long been a priority in each family to provide children with sound health, good education, and bring them up as respectable personalities.
In the years of independence, these priorities have gained a status of the state youth policy with a strong legal foundation. The Law ‘On state youth policy in the Republic of Uzbekistan’ of November 20, 1991 ranked among the first legislative acts adopted in Uzbekistan after gaining independence.
The issues of overall protection of young people’s interests are reflected in the Constitution of Uzbekistan, 22 laws, numerous decrees and resolutions of the President and the Cabinet of Ministers. Uzbekistan ratified more than 30 international instruments protecting the rights and interests of young people.
Target nationwide programs named the Year of Youth, the Year of the Comprehensively Advanced Generation, and the Year of the Healthy Child were successfully implemented. Meanwhile, the younger generation has been in spotlight of other national programs.
Annual allocations in the development and reformation of education in Uzbekistan make up 10-12% of GDP. The share of this system in the government budget exceeds 35%, suggesting the great concern for the sector.
The implementation of progressive reforms in youth policy had an ‘explosive effect’. National models of continuous education, healthcare, upbringing of harmoniously developed young generation were highly commended around the world. For example, international organizations offered them as a model example for other countries at various international forums in Tashkent representing the national model of mother and child health and continuous education. In 2012, the study of the World Intellectual Property Organization INSEAD ranked Uzbekistan the world’s fifth in the development of the education system, including the amount of funds invested.
The Unique Program
In the years of independence, Uzbekistan has radically reformed of the staff training and education system. The pivotal sector was reformed on the basis of the National Staff Training Program, which is unique in its scale and objectives. Education was declared in Uzbekistan a priority area of development to meet the economic, social, scientific, technological and cultural needs of individuals, the society and the state.
A unified system of continuous education is focused on educating skilled and competitive staff for all fields of the economy and social sector, ensuring spiritual and moral education and comprehensive development of young people.