Information of the Minister of Justice “On bringing to the population the essence and significance of the adopted laws and other normative legal acts, ensuring the legality of taken decisions” was heard at the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis on the initiative of the faction of the Democratic Party of Uzbekistan “Milliy tiklanish”. The event was organized for implementing the tasks set by the President at the meeting with deputies, senators and representatives of political parties on July 12, 2017.
It was noted that the resolution adopted this year by the Head of our state “On measures of radically improving the system of dissemination of legislative acts”, as well as the Law “On dissemination of legal information and ensuring access to it” marked the beginning of a new stage of radical improvement of the system of distribution of normative legal acts, improving the quality of legal information of executors and the population on the nature and significance of the legislation.
In accordance with these documents, the practice of conducting explanatory activities among the general public on the essence and significance of laws, publication of comments to normative legal acts of general interest was established.
– The Ministry of Justice uses modern methods of bringing to the executors and citizens the adopted legislative acts, – said the representative of the Ministry F.Tadjiyev. – In particular, social pages are opened on Facebook, twitter, where we bring the norms of laws, resolutions and decrees of the President and other normative legal documents in simple and accessible language for citizens and subscribers. In addition, we are conducting meetings and explanatory activities with the population, at places. “Justice corners” are established in makhallas, where we conduct consultations on issues concerning ordinary citizens of citizens’ gatherings.
– On July 12 of this year, the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev noted the importance of bringing to the population and executors the adopted legislative acts for their correct understanding and effective implementation, – says the deputy of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis Sh.Mamadjanov. – We are bringing to the population the essence and significance of the adopted laws in cooperation with the Ministry of Justice, paying special attention to activities at places. At the same time, the realities of the present time show that our joint efforts are insufficient and require improvement. At the meeting, we identified priority areas of cooperation.
Deputies emphasized the importance of further development of activities of the Ministry of Justice, in particular, the widespread use of more accessible forms of dissemination of normative legal acts. The need for intensification of interaction of deputies and factions with this agency was noted.
As a result of discussions, a corresponding resolution was adopted by the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis. Specific instructions aimed at eliminating existing problems in this sphere were given to the responsible state bodies.