“Investment portal of Uzbekistan”

Citizens of 76 countries will be able to get an electronic visa to Uzbekistan (List)

Uzbekistan announces visa waiver for citizens of 45 countries (List)

Important Visa Information for Indian Citizens Travelling to Uzbekistan

March 12, 2017



Improving pre-school (nursery, elementary) education has been part of the Action Strategy for the Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan along Five Priority Areas in 2017-2021. Minister of Public Education Ulugbek Inoyatov has shared his vision of the efforts envisaged on this front.

“Now the child in the pre-school age already reads, writes and calculates, even knows how to use a tablet and a personal computer. This requires improving the curricula of pre-school educational institutions in accordance with the best international practices.

“The presidential resolution has approved a program of measures, whose objectives were fundamental in raising the level of children’s training for school, creation of conditions for their full intellectual, moral, aesthetic and physical development. Under the program, we intend to bolster the economic and technical capacities of 2,200 pre-school institutions, construct new ones in rural areas, and outfit them with modern accessories, equipment, teaching aids and multimedia devices. The realization of certain measures stipulated in the resolution will allow for 1.5 times enhancement in the coverage of children with pre-school educational institutions. By 2021, the number of those attending these elementary venues will exceed 1.1 million children.

“Crucial issue is to train, augment the professional potential and experience of teachers and tutors. It will be realized primarily through the perfection of curricula in accordance with modern tutorial technologies and methods. To date, more than 55 thousand pedagogues work in the system of pre-school education, and their qualifications will grow gradually.

“Taking into account the expertise of advanced nations of the world, we intend to develop alternative training programs for pre-school education in 2017 and introduce them into practice. They will serve for better preparation for school, development of children’s intellectual capacities and logical thinking, quick mastering of reading and writing.”

(As part of the social order of the Oliy Majlis Public Fund for the Support of NGOs and Other Civil Society Institutions)