In accordance with the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of March 10, 2018, a month of landscaping and gardening is being carried out in all regions of Uzbekistan in March-April, and a nationwide charity hashar will be held on March 18-19.
“Makhalla” charitable public fund of Uzbekistan is planning to conduct a number of activities in this connection. In particular, in hashar days, it is envisaged to landscape and clean 44 thousand hectares of land, 27 thousand kilometers of irrigation canals, more than 8 thousand cemeteries and more than 760 places of worship. In addition, about 18 million trees will be shaped and whitewashed, about 12 million decorative seedlings and more than 10 million fruit tree seedlings, 14 million flower seedlings will be planted.
During the landscaping and gardening month, the nationwide charity hashar, the Fund together with partner organizations will organize an action “Nobody will be left without attention and care” and a number of events on supporting the groups of the population in need of social assistance. In particular, it is envisaged to repair and clean up houses of more than 20 thousand families in need, visit over 26 thousand families in need, including more than 11 thousand people with disabilities and single elderly citizens, over 2 thousand veterans of war and labor, who will be provided with material assistance.
More than 18 million citizens will participate in implementation of these events, including about 10 million young people.
A working group will be organized at “Makhalla” charitable public fund for carrying out the assigned tasks at a high organizational level, analyzing and coordinating activities, ensuring full and qualitative execution of the planned activities.
Each Monday the Working Group will submit information to the Cabinet of Ministers on the work carried out at places, as well as relevant proposals on the organized collection of funds transferred in connection with the hashar and their intended use.
Working groups will be established in makhallas, a plan of concrete measures will be developed. Leaders and members of 8 makhalla commissions, in particular, on ecology and nature protection, landscaping and gardening, will be assigned to streets and villages for conducting hashars.
It is planned to landscape the territories adjacent to 8982 makhalla buildings, plant trees and flower seedlings throughout the country.