President Islam Karimov speech to To Participants of Barkamol Avlod Sports Games

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May 29, 2014

President Islam Karimov speech to To Participants of Barkamol Avlod Sports Games

President Islam Karimos at the international conf.To Participants of Barkamol Avlod Sports Games

My dear sons and daughters!

I am greatly honored to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart, your esteemed coaches and mentors, parents and friends on the grand event in the life of Uzbekistan – the opening ceremony of the Barkamol Avlod Games, a genuine festival of youth, beauty and sports – and wish you all a sound health and happiness, the best of luck and every success and victory.

I am sincerely glad to express my deep respect to the hard-working and hospitable Namangan people who know well the value of such gracious qualities as kindness and humanism, and who have prepared thoroughly for these competitions and met you with wide embrace on the transformed land of Namangan, which has become even more elegant these days, and all those who have gathered at this magnificent stadium.

My dear children!

Today we are building a new state, new society in Uzbekistan. We have embarked to achieve great ends, namely, to join the ranks of the advanced democratic nations, to secure growth in living standards and wellbeing of our people, be capable of protecting our freedom and independence, and occupy a well-deserved place in the world community. For sure, we all are well aware of these critical objectives.

Without any doubt, achievement of such noble goals requires from every one of us intricate and painstaking efforts, selfless and cohesion in our steadfast follow of the path chosen by us, and it demands that we overcome tremendous tests.

I would like to draw your attention to one more important observation. The most crucial and pivotal condition and factor in the accomplishment of the high ends we have set is, first and foremost, our physically healthy and spiritually mature young generation that is inferior to no one in anything and that lives with proudly elevated heads and the sense of dignity, that is capable of assuming responsibility for the fate and future of the Motherland. It is the thousands and thousands of young men and women, boys and girls, our children, like you who have assembled here at this festively decorated stadium.

In building our great future that we dream of and aspire to reach, we see you, the youths, as our greatest hope and the most solid foundation.

We are all glad that a modern system of education and upbringing is created in Uzbekistan that has aroused keen interest and admiration in other countries; so are the corresponding education institutions. As it is widely known, following graduation from the nine-year general school our children continue their studies for three years in more than 1,500 state-of-the-art lyceums and colleges erected in villages and towns. At these education institutions they are provided with all the opportunities for attaining advanced knowledge and achievements of progress, two or three professions, learning foreign languages, commanding the internet and information and communication technologies, which allows for training highly qualified specialists at the level of contemporary requirements.

Crucially, after graduating from lyceums and colleges, our young men and women – with a greater sense of love and devotion for the Motherland that is cemented in their souls during their studies – are prepared for independent life, for those qualities that allow them to occupy a worthwhile place in society.

I feel convinced that every one of you, having become a graduate of such an education institution where they obtain not only knowledge, but also an occupation, will live with an understanding that you have been raised in a free country and that you have been shaped as a personality inferior to no one in anything. Well aware that their future is in their own hands, they will tsrive to meet the confidence of parents, Motherland and people.

Distinguished participants of the competitions!

I believe it would not be an exaggeration to say that today our young generation that has been growing comprehensively advanced does not see its life, its future without sports.

I well understand what efforts you have undertaken, along with attainment of knowledge and professions and displaying love for sports, to demonstrate your willpower and mastery, training and overcoming much difficulty to win the right to participate in the final round of this “minor Olympics” that has included all the principles and peculiarities of Olympics. The very conquest of them by you is a huge victory without any doubt.

I well imagine well how you, along with attainting knowledge and professions, displaying love for sports, have undertaken efforts by demonstrating willpower and mastery, having trained diligently and overcome numerous difficulties to win the right to the finals of the “minor Olympics” that has embodied all the principles and peculiarities of the Olympics. The very accomplishment of such achievements by you is indisputably a big victory.

In excess of 700 thousand students took part in the qualifier rounds of the Barkmol Avlod Games 2011, while 810 thousand young people participated in the Games 2014, another indication of the enhancing scales of these competitions and the tense sports struggle stunning the spirit.

All of us are well aware that any achievement, any success, especially victory in the world of sports, do not come simply. Victory at a sports arena is first of all the triumph of the human being over oneself who has mobilized all his/her capacities to achieve to the goals.

With confidence one can say that every our young athlete who has been making initial steps into the world of big sports equals hundreds of well-renowned athletes of Uzbekistan who raise our flag high at the international arenas.

Among them we are proud to cite the names of such our talented athletes as the boxing world champion Bektemir Melikuziev, the winner of the international tournament in ping pong Tohir Salimov, the silver medal winner of the judo world championship Sarvar Shomurodov, the prize winner of the world chess championship Mohinur Kahramonova, winners of international tournaments in boxing, tennis, weightlifting, ping pong Sunnatilla Bahodirov, Humoyun Sultonov, Otakhon Imomov, and Saidakhon Kazakova, and prize winners of the Asia Championship in Greco-Roman wrestling, taekwondo and judo fighters Kamariddin ZAiniddinov, Temur Hakimov and Ghafur Aktamov.

My dear sons and daughters!

Wishing you the best of luck in the competitions, which, I am confident, will become a bright page in your lives, will be held in the spirit of tense and fair struggle, in an atmosphere of friendship and mutual respect, I would like to reiterate one truth.

On the way of high achievements we have set out to make we will definitely accomplish our goals by steadily implementing our programs that have gained acknowledgement across the world, by securing high growth rates, building up force and might of our beautiful country and transforming its inimitable appearance, and crucially, relying on you, my dear children, mounting as the decisive force that are willing to hold dialogue on equal stands and contend in various spheres with fellows from advanced nations. There can be no doubt in this.

My wish and direction in this is that always deserve the love and confidence of our Motherland, our people, always take the highest goal to achieve, strive for knowledge and discovery, be persistent and goal-minded, my dear ones!

Taking this opportunity, on my behalf and of all the people I would express sincere gratefulness to the builders, architects and engineers who took part in the execration of such beautiful modern sports complexes and social infrastructure facilities, to contractor and sponsor organizations, residents of Namangan and all those who have made their contribution to the gracious endeavors in holding the Barkamol Avlod Games at the highest level.

I congratulate you once and again on this sporting festival and wish you all every success and new accomplishments.