During the visit to the mausoleum of the great thinker, the collector of hadiths Imam Bukhari, the President got acquainted with the reconstruction projects of this complex in accordance with modern requirements, construction of hotels and infrastructure objects for providing the entire range of services to tourists, as well as gave instructions to responsible persons on their qualitative implementation.
– Speaking about great contribution of our great ancestors to the Islamic culture, we first of all recall the blessed name of Imam Bukhari, who rightly earned the fame of “the sultan of muhaddith”, – said the President of the country.
As it is known, Imam Bukhari International Research Center is being built on the territory adjacent to the mausoleum.
– This complex is dear not only to our people, but also to the entire Islamic world, – the Head of the state said.
The need for organization of spiritual-enlightenment activities of the center, creation of scientific-theoretical concept of its activities and development on its basis of curricula and manuals, special attention to the study of works of Imam Bukhari was noted.
At the meeting with participation of the region’s activists, held at the khokimiyat of Pastdargom district, issues of socio-economic development of the region, expansion of the scale of construction and creative work, supporting business entities, further improving the living standards of the population, ensuring employment of women and youth, efficiently using of homestead lands were discussed.
A dialogue was held with entrepreneurs, representatives of the intelligentsia, the elders and young generation from the districts and cities of the region, their problems were resolved.