“Citizens are obliged to protect the historical, spiritual and cultural heritage of the people of Uzbekistan.” Cultural monuments are protected by the state. ”
Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, article 49.
In Uzbekistan, special attention is paid to the careful preservation, study, propagation of our rich historical, cultural and spiritual heritage. The Constitution of our country stipulates that citizens are obliged to protect the historical, spiritual and cultural heritage of the people of Uzbekistan, cultural monuments are protected by the state.
A number of relevant laws, resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers, and Uzbekistan have ratified a number of international conventions in this direction.
Positive results provide large-scale measures to further improve the protection of cultural heritage sites and their restoration, use, return to them of the original species.
Today, under the protection of the state there are 4,308 archaeological, 2,079 architectural monuments, 694 works of art, 395 attractions, and 7476 objects of material and cultural heritage.
In 1991, Ichan-kala was listed in Khiva on the UNESCO World Heritage List, in 1993 – the historical center of Bukhara, in 2000 – the historical center of Shakhrisabz, in 2001 – Samarkand as a crossroads of cultures. In the years of independence, large-scale restoration and improvement works were carried out at 1004 historical sites. More than 15 sites of archaeological heritage of international importance are annually conducted with the participation of experts from China, Japan, France, Poland and other countries.
The work on the protection of cultural heritage sites, their use contributes not only to the study and propagation of history, but also to the further strengthening of the younger generation’s respect for and respect for our priceless historical heritage, national identity, and the establishment of high spirituality in society.
Among the unique architectural monuments is the madrassa Abulkosim in the capital, built in the early nineteenth century by Abulkosim echon – one of the most enlightened people of his time. This object, which was at various times called the Korihon Ashon Madrassah, Madihon Kozi, Abulkosim Shaykh, Abulkosim Eshon, is considered the largest in Tashkent among similar monuments.
In this higher religious educational institution, besides the representatives of the local population, students of Kyrgyz, Tatar, Kazakh and other nationalities also studied. Here they taught Arabic and Persian languages, and also taught literature, ethics, mathematics, geometry, astronomy.
Such bright representatives of Uzbek literature as Abdulla Kadiri, Abdurauf Fitrat, Munavvarkori Abdurashidkhonov, Gulom Zafari, as well as many other enlightened people of their time, studied in this madrassah.
Today in this historical monument, which has retained its status as a hotbed of knowledge, is the center for teaching young people the secrets of national handicraft. Our land since ancient times was famous for its rich traditions of folk crafts and folk and applied art. The center plays a huge role not only in their careful preservation, but also in the further development of national craftsmanship.
“The center unites over fifty folk artists in such areas as wood carving, art painting, painting, leather stuffing, making chests, jewelry, sculpture,” said Durbek Mukhammadkarimov, chairman of the Tashkent city department of the Oltin meros international charitable foundation. – Based on the tradition of “master student” they teach young people the secrets of their craft. In addition, the fund regularly organizes exhibitions, reviews, competitions, master classes dedicated to folk and applied art.
The rich history, unique scientific, spiritual heritage of our great ancestors, which have made an invaluable contribution to the development of world civilization, world-famous historical cities of our country attract tourists from all over the world. Foreign guests visiting madrassas, along with his examination, necessarily acquire the products of national craftsmanship, they become acquainted with the process of their manufacture with interest.
“You can judge the creative genius and creative power of your ancestors only by one of the masterpieces of oriental architecture created by them,” says Yong Mi Li, a tourist from South Korea. – The work carried out in your country on the careful preservation of historical monuments promotes the glorification of Uzbekistan throughout the world. It’s no wonder that people from all over the world dream of seeing this magical land.