Residents of Chilanzar district are taking an active part in the elections

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December 24, 2017

Residents of Chilanzar district are taking an active part in the elections

Elections to the district Kengashes of people’s deputies in Tashkent are being held in a festive spirit. 885 polling stations established in the city have all the conditions for voters who are voting for the candidates they have elected and thereby getting the opportunity to determine their own and the future of the entire district.

Voting at the polling station No. 55 at the citizens’ gathering of “Katta Chilonzor-3” makhalla of Chilanzar distric is being held actively. The polling station is equipped in accordance with the requirements, all necessary conditions have been created for the voting of the elderly, persons with disabilities and citizens who for one or another reason cannot come to the polling station.

Elections to the district Kengashes of people’s deputies of the city of Tashkent, taking into account the recent amendments introduced to the Constitution and laws of our country, are being held for the first time. In this regard, the citizens were explained in detail the national legislation, electoral programs of candidates were presented during the meetings with voters, the forthcoming important tasks in the interests of people and prosperity of the country were noted.

Active participation of the population in the elections, especially youth, testifies to the strengthening civil position of our compatriots, their sense of belonging to the destiny of the Motherland.

Voters continue to come to the polling station.