The efforts of the Head of the state aimed at preserving peace and tranquility, social and political stability, ensuring friendship and harmony among representatives of different nationalities and religious confessions, become the main factor of accelerated reforms in all spheres.
The event that took place in “Dustlik” park of Tashkent gathered national cultural centers, representatives of diplomatic corps operating in Uzbekistan, lovers of unique traditions and values.
Sabantuy holiday was celebrated here. It was organized by the Committee on Interethnic Relations and Friendly Ties with Foreign Countries under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Tatar and Bashkir National Cultural Centers of the city of Tashkent.
Sabantuy national holiday of Tatar and Bashkir people is celebrated after the end of spring sowing campaign. And today this holiday is celebrated as a day of abundance, health, mercy, kindness, friendship, mutual understanding.
Sports competitions, ancient games were organized at the event, music programs of art groups operating under the national cultural centers were demonstrated.