Scientific- theoretical Conference

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August 28, 2015

Scientific- theoretical Conference


In Samarkand, in the framework of the X International Music Festival “Sharq taronalari” it has been held an international scientific conference on “The generality of musical culture of the peoples of the East.”

It was attended by art historians, cultural experts, scientists, historians, experts, artists and composers from countries such as Uzbekistan, the USA, China, United Kingdom, Republic of Korea, Japan, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, Turkey, Serbia, Lithuania, Hungary, Israel Oman, Kuwait, Egypt, Iran, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, representatives of international organizations.

Minister of Culture and Sports of Uzbekistan Bahodir Ahmedov, Assistant Director-General, Eric Falt, and others noted that organized on the initiative of President Islam Karimov international music festival “Sharq taronalari” serves development of cultural relations between the peoples, the revival and popularization of classical songs and melodies.

Conducted every time in the frames of festival scientific conferences contribute to the study and promotion of the history, traditions and identity of the musical art of the peoples of the world.

The purpose of this conference, on the theme of generality of musical culture of the East – the study of the stages of development of music of different countries, analyzing their similarities parties and thereby -strengthening the bonds of friendship between the peoples.

Good work for the development of Uzbek musical art, study, promotion and preservation of folk music saving it for future generations are worthy of praise, and for that we are grateful to President Islam Karimov – Deputy Director General of UNESCO Eric Falt. – Pearl of the Uzbek musical art – Shashmaqom, Katta ashula –are in UNESCO World Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. The essence and significance of the international music festival “Sharq taronalari” in tune with the goals of UNESCO. Therefore, our organization supports this forum.

At an international conference it said on researches conducted by scientists and art historians for the study of musicology and source study of East, the musical culture of different peoples. The need for further development of mutual cooperation between scientists in this direction was discussed.

– Situated in the heart of the Great Silk Road Uzbekistan played an important role in the dissemination of musical art in the world, – said President of the International Association of Music and Art “Min-On” (Japan) Kobayashi Hiroyashi. – Once again we have seen this during today’s international forum that brought together musicologists from many countries. Conference contributes to the study of similarities of arts of different peoples, strengthening their impact on the strengthening of friendship between them.

The Forum noted the special role of Uzbekistan – one of the centers of ancient civilization – in the development and dissemination of musical culture in the East. It is noted the results of attention paid in our country, to the development of national musical arts, preserve and bringing up classic songs and melodies to the younger generation.

– Songs and music of the peoples of the East since ancient times have been similar and harmonious – said the Doctor of Arts, Professor of the State Conservatory of Uzbekistan Rustambek Abdullayev. – It is important to study the impact of the stages of formation and development of music traditions of the East to the contemporary performing arts. This matter is of great interest not only to scientists East but also to West. The conference deeply analyzed this factor considered carried out in this direction research. Particular attention is paid to academic projects of young scientists.

At the international scientific-theoretical conference it was heard reports on topics such as the tradition of the musical culture of the peoples of the East and the present, the general properties of musical creativity in the culture of the peoples of the East, the perception of music in Central Asia in Europe, the Uzbek classical music, a new look at a musical instrument of the epoch of Temurids – “shidirgu”, and others.

At the opening of conference Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan A.Ikramov made a speech.