Uzbekistan’s Ministry of Healthcare has started issuing special passports to allergological patients. In the near future all patients registered with this diagnosis will get such a document. Our message on this is being widely discussed among the Facebook users of the “Tashkent doctors” group: views of the group members on the need for this innovation have literally split in two.
“Such a document is being introduced for the further improvement of the medical assistance quality to allergological patients in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Healthcare,” explained chief allergologist of the Ministry of Healthcare, director of the Republican Scientific-Specialized Allergological Center Ozodbek Nazarov.
“The passport is a kind of a blank filled in by an allergist, which contains all personal information about the patient, the diagnosis, prescriptions and doctor’s recommendations, as well as allergic office phone number, where a patient receives medical care. This piece of paper should be present by the patient every time when seeking for medical assistance.”
Professor Ozodbek Nazarov thus explained the need in introducing this special passport, “When admitted to hospital or seen by a doctor the allergological patient cannot at all times provide clear answers to the doctor’s questions about the possibility to apply one or another medicine, presence of allergic reactions, and sometimes even prefers to keep silence about his disease. Such a situation, may adversely affect the patient’s health in the course of further appointments, and may even have a fatal outcome. Doctor can find all necessary information in the patient’s passport and prescribe appropriate drugs on its basis. The passport eliminates the need to re-set tests. Furthermore, the document indicates the attending allergologist’s contact details, who the professional allergists may always contact and ask for advice.”
More than 200 such passports have already been issued to date at the Republican scientific-specialized allergological center alone. Such documents are issued to their patients all doctors working in the allergy offices of the government medical establishments.
The majority of users of social nets have positively accepted this innovation, approving the measures undertaken by the Ministry of Healthcare. Uvaisiy Hikmatova, for example, stated, “Patients with allergic reactions to antibiotics and other diseases have lately been referring more frequently to doctors for help. And at times there is no possibility to put a test for allergic reactions. If the patient comes to the hospital with a passport, the need for tests disappears altogether, and the risks of complications will be minimized.” Dilya Ibrohimova supports her colleagues, “It is a very good initiative! It will help to save time and to provide necessary medical assistance just in time.”
At the same time specialists of the Ministry of Healthcare received quite a number of proposals. For instance, Bahrom Durmonov thinks that “it would good to issue a general health passport for every one with mandatory indication of the most important data from anamneses, overall health condition and conducted treatment. And this passport should be available bоth in printed hard copy and in electronic form. There should also me a procedure for its filling and usage. To have or not to have such a passport should be a matter of a voluntary decision, and compulsory for those who are undergoing dispensary treatment.”
Time will tell how effective this innovation is going to be and what it’s future will look like.