Senate passed a resolution regulating conduction of weddings

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March 31, 2018

Senate passed a resolution regulating conduction of weddings

At the plenary session of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, senators considered the issue of streamlining wedding, family, jubilee celebrations, family memorial ceremonies and events dedicated to the memory of the deceased.
Excessive costs associated with family events affect not only the social position of families, but also their entire life, the spiritual environment in society. Analysis shows that much of the divorce among young families are due to conflicts related to weddings and ceremonies. Despite the taken measures and outreach activities, these problems are not being addressed, on the contrary, they are increasing.
Taking into account that the regulation of family events is important for society, as well as the proposals and opinions expressed by the population, in order to fully develop a relevant normative legal act, the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan adopted a resolution “On regulation of wedding, family, jubilee celebrations, family memorial ceremonies and events dedicated to the memory of the deceased”.
According to this resolution, a Republican working group for studying public opinion on regulation of wedding, family, jubilee celebrations, family memorial ceremonies and events dedicated to the memory of the deceased has been established, its composition was approved.