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March 12, 2017


888227ef8f5c24ae1105c0dbc2ab5f38Deputies and senators of the Oliy Majlis again traveled to the regions of the country to study the real situation on the ground

Worth reminding that in early February, parliamentarians already made a 10-day trip to the regions of the republic, where they, together with deputies of local Kengashes, got acquainted with the ongoing reforms and living conditions of people.

As you can see, the proposal of the President of the country Shavkat Mirziyoyev on the expediency of visiting deputies and senators of the Oliy Majlis every month within 10-12 days of the regions of the country for the purposes of analyzing the work of the executive authorities, the prosecutor’s office and the interior is being successfully implemented. Moreover, a new format of parliamentary monitoring and analysis is being formed, the effectiveness of which is evident.

Direct dialogue with the people, visits to various institutions, such as schools, kindergartens, markets, farms, enterprises, have shown that such a form of maintaining feedback with the population is very effective. In addition, the opinions of citizens living in different parts of our country testify to the strengthening of their faith in tomorrow, which has a special meaning in the Year of Dialogue with the People and of Human Interests.

During the previous trip, the parliamentarians identified a number of problems in the implementation of the legitimate rights and interests of citizens in practice. At meetings with deputies and senators, people raised issues related to the employment of the population, the use of plastic cards, bank lending, the quality of medical services, and the activities of law enforcement agencies. To solve them, 45 deputy requests have already been prepared and sent and a parliamentary hearing is planned.

Within the second trip of members of parliament to 13 districts of the country, activities are continuing to study the measures taken by local authorities to ensure the rights and legitimate interests of citizens.

During the current trip to the regions, along with other tasks, special attention is paid to the study of the health care sector, especially the work of the primary link of medical institutions – rural medical stations, further improvement of the system of rendering medical services to the population and providing medicines.

So, in the Payarik district of the Samarkand region, deputies of the lower house of parliament together with members of the district Kengash acquaint themselves with the activities of health facilities, hold meetings with the population, in the center of their attention are kindergartens, schools, secondary special educational institutions, mahallas.

Working together with parliamentarians has made it possible to identify a number of problems,” said N. Nurmatova, a deputy of the Paiaryk District Kengash. – Already the first days of monitoring showed, in particular, that to expand the range of medical services, the population should use the free premises of a number of rural medical stations. The reason for the insufficient level of medical services in some Rural Medical Units is the lack of qualified medical personnel, which requires immediate action. To attract young prospective specialists to rural health institutions, together with colleagues, specific proposals will be developed for the formation of stimulating social packages.

During the first days of work, people’s representatives visited several hundred houses of the residents of the district. No one treatment was left without their attention. Most of the problems raised were resolved on the spot.

The members of the working group visited rural medical stations, medical institutions, got acquainted with the work of pharmacies. The urgency of the issue of access to pharmacies, as well as the expansion of the list of drugs, was noted.


(As part of the social order of the Oliy Majlis Public Fund for the Support of NGOs and Other Civil Society Institutions).