Members of the national kickboxing team of Uzbekistan have won four bronze medals in the traditional World Martial Arts Masterships held in South Korea.
A ceremony has taken place at Tashkent international airport to meet these Uzbek sportsmen.
As a result of special attention being paid to the development of sport in the country, Uzbek sportsmen are achieving high results in prestigious international competitions.
More than 200 sportsmen from nearly 20 countries took part in the World Martial Arts Masterships. In this festival, our country’s representatives, Ahmad Alimbekov, Mukhtor Khojimurodov, Bahodir Yunusov and Fazliddin Vahobov, were awarded bronze medals.
“Successes being achieved by our sportsmen are results of a system of training talented sportsmen established in our country,” says the chairman of the amateur and professional kickboxing association of Uzbekistan, Sherzod Tursunokhunov.