“Tashkent Fashion Week – 2017” has started in the Palace of Youth Creativity in Tashkent.
Employees of light industry enterprises, designers and students were invited to the opening of the week, organized by the Association of designers of the Republic of Uzbekistan “Osiyo Ramzi” with the assistance of “Uzbekipaksanoat” association and other organizations.
It was noted that Tashkent Fashion Week will serve as a kind of platform for creative dialogue and exchange of opinions of designers of Uzbekistan and their foreign colleagues.
In our country, systemic work is being carried out on development of the fashion industry, creation of new models of finished products, competitive in the domestic and foreign markets. At the same time, great attention is paid to strengthening effective cooperation with foreign fashion designers, promoting modern Uzbek fashion on a global scale.
The Fashion Week is aimed at such goals as close acquaintance with the work of domestic and foreign designers, creating opportunities for their exchange of views and experiences, further enhancing the knowledge and skills of young designers.
Exhibition of Uzbek national fabrics, shows of collections of young designers, presentations of author’s works, training seminars, master classes for youth, fashion show of Uzbekistan and foreign designers “Tashkent fashion performance”, national clothes festival will also be held within the framework of the Fashion Week.
The week has started with an exhibition of Uzbek national and modern fabrics, as well as a national clothes show.