“Investment portal of Uzbekistan”

Citizens of 76 countries will be able to get an electronic visa to Uzbekistan (List)

Uzbekistan announces visa waiver for citizens of 45 countries (List)

Important Visa Information for Indian Citizens Travelling to Uzbekistan

March 12, 2017


08ed62464b8fe7591e54ca469af2787cUzbek melon, fruit and vegetable products arouse great interest among foreign customers for excellent taste and abundance of useful elements.

According to foreign experts, the fruits, vegetables and melons grown in Uzbekistan are valuable for the concentration of sucrose, amino acids and organic acids, as well as essential trace components.

In Navoi region, for instance, special attention is paid also to the expansion of orchards and vineyards, increase the fruit, vegetable and melon production. Intensive gardens were laid on ​​232 hectares, and vineyards on 191 hectares in the region last year. The total area of ​​intensive gardens reached 1,483 hectares, and vineyards – 4,162 hectares.

“Planting of quality seedlings instead of unproductive fodder, and selection of appropriate soil and climatic conditions for species have been producing good results in horticulture. Gardens of five farms on the area of ​​14 hectares were reconstructed last year. The old vineyards were replaced by the new ones on 116 hectares,” said the Expert of the Agriculture and Water Management Administration of Navoi region, Shavkat Bobomurodov.

Expansion of orchards and vineyards, increase of melon and vegetable plantings in inter-row spacing, as well as increase in the number of refrigerators and freezers is a focus of the current year. In 2017, it is planned to create 833 hectares of intensive gardens, and 670 hectares of vineyards. Outdated and unproductive fodder gardens have been already renovated on 519 hectares, and vineyards on 91 hectares. 12 promising projects will pave the way for the establishment of 2,100 tons cold storages. The construction of five mini-mills for rapid and high-quality processing of farmed products will help to procure additional 3,520 tons of products per year.