On the topic “Support for NGO projects aimed at unbringing of physically healthy and harmoniously developed younger generation”.
Projects are accepted based on the following objectives of civil society institutions that have passed the state registration:
- Formation of the younger generation of high moral qualities such as respect for elders, care for the younger, kindness and humanity, compassion and generosity, devotion to the homeland and its people.
- Enhancing the role and authority of the elder people in the family and society, education of children and young people with a sense of deep respect, reverence and care for parents and the elderly.
- Enrichment of young people’s knowledge about the local history, culture and architectural monuments, including through the organization of excursions, publications and dissemination of information materials, brochures, stands, etc.
- The implementation of measures aimed at improving the legal culture of civic consciousness of youth, its awareness of the reforms in the sphere of state and public construction.
- Creating the conditions necessary for familiarizing the younger generation to science and the arts, encouraging the participation of young people in national and international competitions, contests and competitions, implementing it their creative and intellectual potential.
- Creation of conditions for familiarizing young people, particularly those living in rural areas to a healthy lifestyle, to educate the younger generation of physical culture and sports.
- Organisation of events according to youth a healthy lifestyle, fencing it from alcoholism, drug addiction, immorality, adverse effects, and the effects of low-grade threat of “mass culture”.
- Develop young people’s desire to create a healthy and happy family, to increase their knowledge in the prevention of hereditary and congenital diseases, the prevention of psychosocial problems in the family, early marriages and divorces.
- Strengthening the care of young families, ensuring their legal and social protection, the organization of spiritual and educational, medical and advisory activities aimed at promoting a healthy and strong family.
- Strengthening the role of the family in the education of physically healthy, spiritually mature and harmoniously developed generation, preservation and strengthening of the national ancestral values, the approval of the atmosphere of high morals in the society.
- Creating the conditions for a broad involvement of youth entrepreneurship, especially graduates of professional colleges and higher educational institutions, the development of family businesses, especially in rural areas.
- The implementation of practical measures for the social adaptation and support for children with disabilities, bringing them to a variety of sports, science and the arts.13. Strengthening the role of the public and civil society institutions in the implementation of public control over the implementation of the legislation on the ground, to protect the rights and interests of young people.
To participate in the competition the following documents must be submitted:
- The cover letter for the project application from the head of NGOs and other civil society institutions.
- Project application for a state grant in the form posted on the website www.fundngo.uz.
- A copy of the certificate of registration of the organization.
- A copy of the charter, with the latest changes and additions to it, duly stamped.
- If the project requires a licensed activity, a copy of the license.
- Letters of recommendation, a request of the interested state and public organizations can be attached.
The amount of the grant allocated for one project – up to 25 million soums.Reception of documents is carried out from June 15 to July 15 2015.
Documents are accepted in sealed envelopes via the “Uzbekistan Pochtasi” (A4), directed to the Public Fund for Support of NGOs and other civil society institutions under Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan at: 100035, Tashkent, st. Bunyodkor, home №1.
The terms of the competition and examples of tender documents can be found on the official website of the Public Fund www.fundngo.uz.
Telephones: (0-371) 239-26-76, 239-26-64.