As previously reported, a delegation of the Republic of Latvia headed by the minister of culture of this country Dace Melbarde. Reporter of Information Agency “Jahon” talked to some of its members.
Artis Simanis, rector of the Academy of Music of the Republic of Latvia:
– I am a professional musician, he graduated fr om the Conservatory of St. Petersburg on the saxophone and the Royal Danish Academy of Music.
Now, I was lucky enough to come to Uzbekistan for the second time. The first time I visited your beautiful city of Samarkand and Bukhara thirty years ago and still retains the memory of this wonderful trip.
I really like Tashkent, it is an oasis of cultural, political and economic life of your country.
During the visit, our delegation visited the State Conservatory of Uzbekistan. I note that it is located in a modern building, where students have all the necessary conditions for learning and improving their skills.
The agreement signed on June 9, 2015 between our musical institutions of higher education, will contribute to a fruitful cultural cooperation between Uzbekistan and Latvia.
Students from Uzbekistan will be able to come to study in Latvia under the program “Erasmus Plus”. We look forward to further cooperation in this field.
We are interested in your country as a potential partner in different fields of art and culture. In the near future we also plan to visit of Uzbek music groups in Uzbekistan.
Mara Lase, director of the National Art Museum of Latvia:
– My first time in Uzbekistan and has to be noted that with great interest the visit to your country. I am very impressed by what we saw here.
Uzbekistan is a key country in the region of Central Asia, with which we are interested to further develop mutually beneficial cooperation in various fields.
In your country, are the greatest monuments of ancient culture, included in the World Heritage Fund. It will be interesting exchange of experience between our experts in the field of restoration. Since the days of the Silk Road, Uzbekistan is at the crossroads of civilizations and cultures of many peoples of the world.
You have a very beautiful capital city – Tashkent city, with wonderful monuments, museums, galleries of art.
In particular, the Art Gallery of the National Bank is located in a beautiful modern building, you can see the wonderful exposure.
During our visit to the Republic of Uzbekistan, we will visit the city of Nukus, which will open an exhibition of works by the artist Valdis Bushs visited the State Museum of Arts named after Igor Savitskiy.
The exhibited Iveta Vecenane tapestries reflect a kind of synthesis of modern forms of textiles to the traditions of the past.
Art tapestries in Latvia has its origins with the 60-ies of XX century, when the means of decorative art artists and designers to fully express his own vision of the world and society.
Since then, this trend has become a kind of national brand in Latvia.
Latvia since ancient times was the center of the Great Amber Road on which amber went in Western Europe and the Middle East.
The tradition of cooperation and cultural exchange between the intellectual communities of various countries of the world must continue to develop and for future generations.
Edgars Bondars, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Latvia in Uzbekistan:
– Visit of the Minister of Culture of Latvia to Uzbekistan was very fruitful. During the meeting at the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic discussed the issues and prospects of Uzbek-Latvian relations in the cultural sphere.
Signed during the visit of the President of Latvia in Uzbekistan in 2014, extensive cooperation program includes numerous activities in the field of art and culture.
The agreement between the Latvian Academy of Music and the State Conservatory of Uzbekistan provides internship students and faculty, as well as the exchange of visits musical groups of the two countries.
All of this is evidence of rapidly developing relations of mutually beneficial cooperation between Uzbekistan and Latvia.
Iveta Vecenane, Latvian artist:
– It is my great honor, permission to hold an exhibition of my works in Uzbekistan.
I belong to a generation that had been educated in the 80s of the last century in the department of textile art of the Latvian Academy of Arts.
Folklore direction interest in ethnography and preserve folk traditions are closely linked with the concept of the Latvian textile art.
In my work I try to express the love of nature, the sun, so to convey the relationships between people.
The compositions of the present geometric forms in accordance with the trends of the Latvian art of the 90s, in which the elements of nature – earth, water, air – woven into the pattern.
The exhibition features tapestries recent years and painting on silk.
The name of the exhibition gave one of my newly created compositions called “In the yard” – a place of reflection wh ere you can be alone with yourself.
I sincerely hope that the visit of the culture and art of Latvia in Uzbekistan will contribute to further development of cooperation and the ability of our people familiarize with the activities of masters of the arts of the two countries.