On the anticipation of the Tashkent International Investment Forum, scheduled for November 5-6 of this year, representatives of foreign countries share their opinions on the development of our country with great interest. Thus, the director of the Regional Development Institute in Kazakhstan Valikhan Tuleshov said that the upcoming event will fully reveal the rich investment potential of Uzbekistan in an interview to IA “Jahon”.
– This global forum will enhance the rankings of competitiveness, economic and financial stability in Uzbekistan. Participation of the world’s leading financial and economic institutions’ heads will further increase the country’s investment attractiveness and make the next leap to development of the economy on the most modern principles and models.
According to the expert, well-chosen program of industrialization and modernization can significantly improve life standards in the Republic and make Uzbekistan one of the most industrialized countries in the region.
– Today we are witnessing the fact that the state protected itself from the world trade crisis on the background of falling energy prices. The country produces a wide range of goods.
By the opinion of a prominent representative of the Kazakh experts, the implementation of the privatization program in Uzbekistan will attract more foreign investments. He noted that the country’s transformation into innovative and industrial state will contribute the strengthening of stability in the region and the establishment of close and mutually beneficial relations with the countries of Central Asia.