The EU informed about the drug situation in Uzbekistan

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June 22, 2015

The EU informed about the drug situation in Uzbekistan

Brussels hosted a meeting of experts in the framework of the dialogue “The EU – Central Asia” on drugs, in which information on ongoing in Uzbekistan large-scale measures to combat drug trafficking has been provided.

EU_informedThe event was organized by the Latvian presidency in the European Union and the General Secretariat of the EU Council.

The meeting was attended by experts from EU member states, relevant EU bodies involved in the fight against drugs, the Office on Drugs and Crime, the United Nations, the Central Asian Regional Information and Coordination Centre for combating illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors (CARICC) and representatives of Central Asian states.

The Uzbek side informed the participants of the meeting on the measures implemented in the country within the fight against drug trafficking and drug abuse prevention. It was noted that in the fight against the drug threat Uzbekistan uses all social, economic and political resources of the state. Adopt a balanced approach aimed at reducing demand for drugs and combating illicit trafficking.

State Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Drug Control approved successfully implemented program of comprehensive measures to combat drug abuse and trafficking in 2011-2015. In the framework of implemented actions to further strengthen the material-technical and human capacities of law enforcement agencies, the modernization and development of the drug treatment service, enhance international cooperation in combating drug trafficking, conducting targeted prevention of drug addiction.

The participants were informed that as a result of targeted measures in recent years in the country reduced the level of crime associated with drug trafficking. During the annual comprehensive large-scale operations “Black poppy” promptly identified and destroyed areas of illicit cultivation of narcotic plants.

EU_informed1Participants of the meeting appreciated the efforts of the Uzbek law-enforcement agencies, which in 2014 seized from illegal circulation of 2 tons 298 kg. drugs.

In addition, information about the ongoing measures to improve information-analytical and technical capacity of law enforcement bodies of Uzbekistan in the fight against drug trafficking has been introduced.

The event included presentations of representatives of the European Commission, the EU Presidency Latvia, experts from member countries who are involved in the implementation of projects under the BOMCA / CADAP, UNODC, the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, as well as the countries of Central Asia.

In this context, the European side has positively evaluated the work being done to develop a national interagency database system similar to the EU law-enforcement systems. In addition, the experts stressed that Uzbekistan is a key country in the region that has taken important steps to combat the spread of drugs in the country and the region as a whole.