Authoritative information and analytical portal of India and published a number of articles on the activities of the Federation of trade unions of our country.
For example, the article “Trade Unions in the implementation of the State program” Year of attention and care for the senior generation” explains organizational and practical work in providing targeted financial and social assistance to the veterans of the Second World War, the single elderly, pensioners and people with disabililies.
As the Indian electronic publications inform, only during 2015 in 15 health resorts of the trade unions at the expense of the state budget more than 10 thousand veterans of war and labor front have been revived. In addition, sanatoriums free of charge and on a preferential basis 6000 working pensioners, labor veterans, pensioners and unemployed workers from among the parents to improve their health. About 5 billon UZS allocated for these purposes.
The article stresses that to date in the implementation of the measures implemented under the State program “Year of attention and care for the senior generation”, the trade union organizations of the country allocated more than 16 billion soums.
Another article “The priority – to protect the interests and rights of children” devoted to measures undertaken in Uzbekistan to ensure children’s rights, health, quality education for children.
Special attention is paid to the publication of the fact that 92% of children in the Republic of the parameters correspond to World Health Organization standards. In the compilation of an international organization Save the children the ranking of countries where it is best to take care of the health of the younger generation of Uzbekistan deservedly took the 9th place among 161 states.
The article also presents statistics and indicators about the achievements of our country in the field of education. It emphasizes that the results of the research level of human capital development, conducted in 2012 by the World Intellectual Property Organization and one of the largest international business schools “INSEAD”, Uzbekistan took the 5th place in the world in terms of development of the education system.
Finally, it gives detailed information on measures taken in the country legislation and legal mechanisms aimed at preventing the use of child and forced labor.