The Ministry of Justice the Republic of Uzbekistan announced the number of religious organizations registered in the country

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February 24, 2020

The Ministry of Justice the Republic of Uzbekistan announced the number of religious organizations registered in the country

Currently, 2 thousand 276 religious organizations operate in Uzbekistan, including 183 non-Islamic religious organizations, of which 8 are Jewish communities, 6 Bahai communities and one “Jehovah’s Witnesses”, one Hare Krishna society, a Buddhist temple, as well as an interfaith Bible society and others that represent 16 different faiths.

There are also the international research center of Imam Bukhari, the Center for Islamic Civilization, the Center of Christians of the Full Gospel of Uzbekistan, the Union of Churches of Evangelical Christians-Baptists of Uzbekistan, and others in the country.

Also in recent years, religious organizations such as the Pentecostal Church “Light of the World”, the Church of the Evangelical Christians “Sun God” in Tashkent region and the Church of the Evangelical Christians Baptists in Khorezm region, as well as the Kokand Church of the Evangelical Christians (Pentecostals) have registered with the justice authorities.

In the second half of 2019, the Tashkent Church of Full Gospel Christians “Logos”, and the Renaissance Church- (the city of Navoi, Navoi region), the Vera Church – (the city of Samarkand, Samarkand region), the Church of Evangelical Christian Baptist (the city of Gulistan), and the Church of the Evangelical Christians “House of Bread” (the city of Jizzakh) were registered.

This information was presented during the “round table” on the theme “Guaranteeing freedom of religion – an important foundation of an open civil society”, held at the Institute for Strategic and Interregional Studies under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The discussion was attended by representatives of relevant ministries and departments, public organizations and religious denominations, experts in the field of religion, as well as representatives of the diplomatic corps accredited in Tashkent.

The event emphasized that Uzbekistan pays great attention not only to preserving Islamic values and spreading the teachings of the Islamic religion, but also to strengthening inter-confessional dialogue. It was also noted that in accordance with the Decree of the President of Uzbekistan adopted in April 2018, the leaders of all 16 religious denominations are included in the Council for religious Affairs. This Council is a public Advisory body of the Committee on religious Affairs under the government of the Republic.