The presentation of Uzbekistan in Chamber of Commerce of Jeddah

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June 29, 2015

The presentation of Uzbekistan in Chamber of Commerce of Jeddah

presentation_of_Uzbekistan1Uzbekistan was represented at the event “Annual meeting in the month of Ramadan”, which took place in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Jeddah.

The audience, which included heads of international organizations and diplomatic missions of foreign states accredited in Jeddah, as well as representatives of the Saudi official and business circles, received detailed information about programs in our country the radical transformations in all spheres of life, the vast tourist potential, the investment climate and favorable conditions for foreign businesses.

Special attention during the presentation was paid to the significant contribution of the great Uzbek scholars in the development of world civilization.

Material about the benefits and privileges granted to foreign investors in the territory of FIEZ “Navoi”, SIZ “Angren” and “Jizzakh” has caused special interest of participants.

As the board member of the Chamber of Commerce Jeddah Fahd bin Siaban al-Sulami noted, those present have been informed on detailed information on the current economic development of Uzbekistan, taken measures to improve the country’s investment climate. He also praised the potential and possibilities of free industrial zones of the country, which introduced special customs, currency and tax regimes, simplified procedure for entry, stay and departure of foreign entrepreneurs.

In turn, General Director of the Regional Branch of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in Jeddah Muhammad Ahmad Tayyeb stressed that similar information evenings provide the Saudi community the opportunity to get acquainted with the modern Uzbekistan, its rich history and ancient architectural monuments.