The President of Uzbekistan got acquainted with the exhibition of modern textbooks “Improving the quality of education is the only correct way for the development of New Uzbekistan!”.
Science, education, upbringing are the cornerstone of development, the force that increases the power of the country, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev noted. Therefore, all links in this sphere are radically reformed and comprehensively developed. The fourth priority of the Development Strategy of Uzbekistan is the development of education and human capital. The logical continuation of this work was the announcement of 2023 in the country as the Year of Human Care and Quality Education.

An important factor in improving the quality of education and instilling in children an interest in knowledge is, first of all, the availability of a high-quality textbook. The Concept for the Development of the Public Education System until 2030, approved by the decree of the President of Uzbekistan of April 29, 2019, defines the tasks for improving teaching methods. Accordingly, over the past three years, work has been carried out to update textbooks. Textbooks for grades 1-4 were newly developed by a special working group based on advanced foreign methods.

At the exhibition, the Head of state was informed about the content of these textbooks.
They are developed based on the 4C principle – critical thinking, creativity, collaboration and communication – skills that are most useful to a person of the 21st century. That is, textbooks are designed to form students’ ability to think critically, creatively approach the task, work in a team and communicate.

When preparing new textbooks, standard tasks of such international programs as PISA, PIRLS, TIMSS, EGMA, EGRA were taken as a basis. Along with textbooks, workbooks and teaching aids for teachers have been developed. The E-study e-learning platform is also integrated into this system. It can be used both during classes and in free time.
The President got acquainted with new textbooks and gave recommendations on their content.

“To use world pedagogical experience is a good decision. But at the same time, the national idea, the legacy of our ancestors, should be present in textbooks. For example, solid work in education was done by our Jadid ancestors. I recently read Elbek. He wrote that he who educates girls educates the whole society. And in our textbooks, this factor is not taken into account. What I’m saying is that we need to develop our textbooks to be as perfect as possible so that we don’t have to come back to this issue again. The education system that we are building today will tell about us in forty years”, Shavkat Mirziyoyev said.
The issues of introducing textbooks into practice were also considered.

The presented textbooks of the new generation have passed international examination, as well as approbation in Tashkent’s School No. 134. Preliminary results showed that student achievement in the new textbooks was 88 percent versus 67 percent in the current program.
At the exhibition, a demonstrative lesson was held with the participation of students from one of the primary classes, in which a new textbook was approbated. Children with special needs, along with ordinary children, also study in a school where an inclusive education model has been introduced.
The Head of state talked with teachers and children.