According to the document:
– measures to improve the quality of service for the population and entrepreneurs will be determined in all state bodies and organizations;
– the number of public services provided through public services centers will be increased to 300, and through the Unified Portal of Interactive Public Services – up to 570;
– in order to further strengthen the legal protection of business entities, from July 1, 2023, a three-year moratorium will be established on the introduction of new types of liability measures and sanctions against business entities;
– as part of strengthening justice and the rule of law, ensuring strict observance of human rights and freedoms, a draft law will be submitted to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis (parliament), providing for the transfer of authority to issue a warrant for conducting a search, wiretapping and inventory of property from prosecutors to courts in order to further expand practice application of the habeas corpus institute in the process of investigating crimes;
– in 2023, to finance projects formed on the basis of public opinion, 8 trillion soums will be allocated from the State budget, of which 4 trillion soums for the Obod Qishloq (Prosperous village) and Obod Mahalla (Prosperous neighborhood) programs;
– Sufficient funds will be allocated from the State budget to allocate mortgage loans on the basis of market principles to 32,000 citizens, as well as subsidies to cover part of the down payment and interest payments to 11,000 citizens;
– starting from the 2023/2024 academic year, free meals will be provided to primary school students in all regions of the republic and in the city of Tashkent;
– starting from April 1, 2023, in the cities of Tashkent and Nukus, as well as regional and district centers, the maximum speed of vehicles will be reduced from 70 kilometers to 60 kilometers per hour;
The State Program also provides for other consistent measures to bring to a new stage the ongoing reforms in the country to further improve the living standards of the population, bring the quality of education in line with advanced international standards, achieve sustainable economic growth and reduce poverty.