The results of the faction’s activity have been summarized

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February 3, 2018

The results of the faction’s activity have been summarized

Members of the faction of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan in the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis studied the status of 9 017 families, held meetings with 1 941 business entities in 2017. During the meetings and conversations, the population raised more than 6 thousand issues, 22 percent of them were resolved by the faction’s efforts.

This was stated at a press conference organized at the National Press Center.

The head of the faction of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan H.Ketmonov was provided with information on the activity carried out in pursuance of the State Program “Year of dialogue with people and human interests”.

The noble idea “People must not serve the Government bodies, rather the Government bodies must serve the people”, which was forwarded by the President of the country, became the basis for the activity of the state governing bodies of all levels, in particular, the activity of the faction of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan.

In 2017, meetings of deputies of the Legislative Chamber with voters at places were arranged. On this basis, deputies of the Legislative Chamber, in particular members of the faction, studied and analyzed the state of affairs in 67 districts of the country from February to June.

With the assistance of deputies, 226 citizens are permanently employed, 128 citizens are provided with the right to use medical and medico-social services, 273 citizens are granted loans for implementation of entrepreneurial activity at the amount of 1,34 billion sums.

In 2017, members of the faction received about 5 thousand appeals from voters, 68 percent of them were resolved positively. The rest of the appeals were sent to relevant state governing bodies and their execution was taken under control.

Members of the faction and deputies of local Kengashes took part in hearing reports of heads of rural medical stations and family polyclinics, district and city medical associations, made their contribution to solving issues concerning the population.

At the press conference it was noted that the working plan of the faction of the People’s Democratic Party for 2018 has been approved. According to it, based on the State Program on implementation of the Action Strategy on five priority areas of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021 in the Year of supporting active entrepreneurship, innovative ideas and technologies, it is planned to prepare proposals on 15 draft laws and introduce three draft laws for discussion by the Legislative Chamber – “On heat supply”, “On state minimum social standards” and “On providing population with clean drinking water”.