The realization of a project on the popularization of the works of classical and modern Uzbek literature through translation has started in the country for their inclusion into the global literary process of the Russian language audience in Uzbekistan and overseas.
The initiative is being implemented by the printed organ of the Association of writers of Uzbekistan, the “Zvezda vostoka” magazine. The components of the project include the development of traditions and raising the mastership of artistic translations, popularization of cultural and historical heritage of the peoples of Uzbekistan and its achievements in the field of pictorial art, music, theatrical art, literature and other types of arts during the years of independence.
“Significant changes have taken place in the Uzbek national art and literature during the 24 years. It has been enriched with national and oriental traditions, numerous terms, names, events and phenomena have penetrated into the active cultural and academic terminology. And the objective of the project is to popularize them,” says Master of Philology, deputy Editor-in-Chief of the “Zvezda vostoka” magazine Klavdiya Panchenko. “Along with the tasks set up in President Islam Karimov’s book “Attention to literature is attention to spirituality, attention to the future” we face the task of raising the quality of translations of the works of Uzbek literature into other languages, in the first place, into Russian, dissemination of the Uzbek literature, art and cultural achievements in the Russian language speaking environment.”
The most important aspects of the literary process in Uzbekistan will be reflected within the framework of the project, as well as the Republic’s achievements in different spheres of art and culture during the years of independence, acquaintance with cultural and historical heritage of the peoples of Uzbekistan and with the best works of Uzbek literature.
“No lesser role is allocated to elaboration of theoretical and practical problems of translation and we publish the best translations of the classical and modern Uzbek literature. For the purpose of drawing attention to young translators we present our pages for publication of their translated works and their discussions,” continues Klavdiya Panchenko. “The list of authors will include the names of prominent literary critics, historians, art critics, and publicists. There is no doubt that all this will facilitate the realization of the State program called “Uzbekistan is our common home”, expansion of the scale of awareness on modern culture, art and literature of Uzbekistan and their break through into the world arena.”