“Investment portal of Uzbekistan”

Citizens of 76 countries will be able to get an electronic visa to Uzbekistan (List)

Uzbekistan announces visa waiver for citizens of 45 countries (List)

Important Visa Information for Indian Citizens Travelling to Uzbekistan

April 13, 2017



The President of Uzbekistan has approved a program of measures on the development of silk industry in the country.

The new system will be built on the currently established Uzbekipaksanoat Association of five regional societies, which are currently being organized with the involvement of commercial banks, which will be assigned with economic zones, and coordinate the work of territorial enterprises of the silk industry.

Experts see the only way for the industry to quickly get out from the crisis in restructuring the existing system and creation of a unified and full-fledged organizational and technological chain. It should ensure intensive development of the forage base, broad introduction of effective methods of production and enhanced processing of silkworm cocoons, raw silk, silk yarn, production of finished products, and growth of export capacity of the industry.

All the objectives will be in charge of Uzbekipaksanoat Association, as well as territorial and district enterprises of Agropilla, which will be assigned with ensuring the incubation of quality grains and their distribution among home-based economies and organizations engaged in sericulture, provision of forage lands, technical and technological equipment, rendering of advisory services on feeding and harvesting silkworm cocoons, monitoring the process of their cultivation, harvesting and procurement.

To support the industry, the head of state provided the participants with the benefits and preferences, which will remain in effect by January 1, 2023. For example, home-based entities that are engaged in the cultivation of live silkworm cocoons are exempt from personal income tax, companies and enterprises – from single tax payment and customs duties. Silkworm cocoon producers are released from a single social payment.

Experts believe that the measures will allow increasing the volume of cocoon procurement by 35,000 tons in five years. By 2021, it is planned to scale up the total share of silkworm cocoon processing by about 50%, thereby establishing new jobs and increasing the inflow of foreign currency through exports.