Peace and calmness, mutual respect, interethnic integrity and harmony constitute the foremost wealth of our nation, which has been one of the important factors in our achievements being made in all spheres and the growing eminence of our country in the international arena.
Making a worthwhile input into this noble endeavor is the sacred duty for every one of us. A special attention is being paid by the state on this front to boosting the efforts of mahalla activists and crime prevention officers who work in close interaction with locals in accordance with contemporary requirements. A practical embodiment of this is the traditional contest “Commendable Base Station of the Interior” that serves as a champion of advanced experience and success in this field.
The Turkiston Palace has hosted the final round of this competition for the year 2013.
The national round of the challenge has had 14 interior base stations – contenders who had been triumphant in Karakalpakstan, regional and Tashkent city rounds of the contest.
The final victory went to the base stations of the interior no.147 in the Obod Turmush mahalla of Tashkent region’s Zangiata district, no.258 in the Buvaido mahalla of Andijan region’s Shahrikhan district, no.44 in the Mirmiron mahalla of Kashkadarya region’s Karshi district, and no.133 in the Uchtepa mahalla of Jizzakh region’s Jizzakh district. The winners were rewarded with Matiz cars.
Names of winners of other prize places and a range of nominations were also announced. They were handed awards and memorable souvenirs.
The Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan A.Ikramov delivered a speech at the event.