UN is informed about the main directions of anti-drug policy of Uzbekistan

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May 30, 2016

UN is informed about the main directions of anti-drug policy of Uzbekistan


At the United Nations headquarters in New York, an information on the main areas of anti-drug policy and their implementation in the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2015 is disseminated as an official document of the 70th session of the General Assembly in the six official languages.

The document informs that our country attaches great significance to the work on reduction the supply and demand for drugs in accordance with the program of comprehensive measures to combat drug abuse and trafficking in 2011-2015. It is emphasized that in the past period special attention is given to improving the regulatory framework in the field of control of narcotic drugs trafficking and provision of drug treatment, improvement of the material and technical base and human capacities of special units of law enforcement agencies and medical service in the country.

The document noted that in order to ensure continuity and coordinated the activities of state and public organizations engaged in conducting organizational, legal and practical measures aimed at effective prevention, detection and suppression of illicit drugs a draft of analogous program in the 2016-2020 years in Uzbekistan has been prepared.

Along with this, the article also reports in detail that in 2015 the law enforcement bodies of Uzbekistan concentrated on obscuring drug trafficking paying special attention to the overlap of drug supply channels in trafficking within the country, and transit through its territory, as well as the elimination of sustainable organized criminal groups. As a result of organizational and operational-preventive measures in the past year 6648 facts of crime in this area have been revealed by law enforcement agencies in the country. In order to effectively achieve the objectives on the elimination of drug trafficking, detection and suppression of the facts of the illicit cultivation of narcotic plants, as well as the prevention of offences relating to drug trafficking, the competent bodies of Uzbekistan with the participation of representatives of local authorities and public carried out a two-stage complex large-scale operation “Black Poppy – 2015” (Cherniy mak). During this measure 2687 drug-related crimes have been revealed and 621 kg of narcotics have been seized.

However, the paper reports that to counter new types of psychoactive substances in the republic preventive measures and proposals have been developed, as well as headquarters is established from among the representatives of the authorized bodies at the National Information and Analytical Center on Drug Control. As a result of its activities the appropriate amendments have been made in national legislation. In particular, by the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Uzbekistan dated November 12, 2015 “On improving the procedure of import, export and transit through the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan of drugs, psychotropic substances and precursors, as well as the monitoring of their circulation” an updated list of narcotic drugs has been approved, turnover of which in republic is prohibited. This list is also supplemented with 80 names of new types of synthetic drugs.

Also, an official document distributed at the United Nations states that analysis of the data shows the continuation of positive dynamics for the development of the drug situation on its main indicators in Uzbekistan. Incidence rate of primary drug addiction is decreased, the number of patients consisting on the dispensary is reduced, the decline continues in the number of drug addicts who inject drugs.

In order to improve the preventive work of the Department of Addiction and Adolescent Psychopathology of Tashkent Institute of Advanced Medical Studies developed materials lectures on primary prevention of drug addiction among adolescents and youth adults, parents of students (schools, colleges, high schools), teachers. Materials of lectures are aimed at organizational and methodical department drug treatment clinics for usage in the work. In 2015, doctors-narcologists made 6947 lectures in different population groups, conducted 2338 seminars, carried out 632 media publications.

In addition, as reported in a paper in the system of public education there are advocacy groups of 412 qualified teachers on a regular basis, who, together with representatives of health authorities, the Interior, non-governmental organizations carried out outreaches in places, including on the prevention of the spread of drug addiction.

At the Institute of Advanced Training and Retraining of Personnel in the system of secondary specialized vocational education regularly lectures on the theme “Enhancing the effectiveness of measures to prevent students and teachers involvement in drug crimes and substance abuse” have been conducting for directors and their alternates on the spiritual and educational work of secondary specialized educational institutions.

“For the broad public awareness the issues on the fight against drug trafficking have been regularly covering in publications, thematic TV and radio programs have been broadcasting. A competition of social short films is organized on this topic among the young directors. In accordance with the terms of this contest 44 creative works have been received. The best entries have been broadcasted on the central TV channels”, – the document states.

It was separately noted that by order of the State Commission for Drug Control of the National TV and Radio Company of Uzbekistan documentary prepared documentary film “Spice” which reveals the threat of new synthetic drugs. It has been shown on central TV channels of the Republic.

In conclusion the information emphasizes that in 2015 Uzbekistan continued efficient operation to ensure the effective implementation of international obligations in the framework of the juridical base of bilateral and multilateral cooperation in the field of drug control.