Ministry of Labour of Uzbekistan hosted a thematic working meeting of the group on social protyection on development and implementation of UN Sustainable Development Goals and the group on social protection of the UNDAF for 2016-2020.
Representatives of the Uzbek ministries and departments, as well as international organizations such as UN, UNICEF, UNFPA, WHO, ILO and others attended the event.
Uzbek Labour Minister Aziz Abdukhakimov said that the UN Sustainable Development Goals was adopted in September by the UN member states, including Uzbekistan, till 2030. It includes 17 global goals and 169 task.
The group on social protection will consider 8 goals and 14 tasks. At the meeting, the participants considered tasks and goals, considered an Economic Well-being Group and considered their importance for the country based on current development priorities.
In order to solve tasks, put to the group, the participants decided to carry out review of state strategies and sectoral programmes to determine national priorities based on UN Sustainable Development Goals. The group will also study analytical documents and reports with recommendations on achieving goals in this or that direction of development.
The group will also carry out additional study of global goals and tasks, etc.