Unfading star of medical science The IX International Avicenna Readings on “The importance of scientific and cultural heritage of Ibn Sino, its impact on development of science” were held in Bukhara.
The scientific-practical conference, organized by the Public Foundation named after Ibn Sino in cooperation with the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, the khokimiyat of Bukhara region and Bukhara State Medical Institute named after Abu Ali ibn Sino, was attended by famous scientists fr om France, Great Britain, India, Israel, Japan, Kazakhstan, Russia, Turkey and the United States.
The conference was organized in order to study the multifaceted scientific and cultural heritage of our great ancestor, known in the world as Avicenna, discuss reports devoted to various areas of his teachings, share international experience, further expand cooperation with specialists and scientists of foreign scientific research institutes.
At the event it was noted that fruitful activity of the great scientist in the spheres of medicine, philosophy, chemistry, mathematics, logics, physics, music, geology, geography, astronomy and poetry had a tremendous impact on the works of Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Francis Bacon and others recognized in all world of geniuses.
As indicated in historical sources, Abu Ali ibn Sino wrote more than 450 works. Unfortunately, only 242 of them have reached us. The most famous work, recognized, in modern terms, as a medical encyclopedia, is considered to be “The Canon of Medical Science”. This book, which highlights in detail the causes, symptoms, methods of treatment of diseases, preparation of conventional medicines, pharmacology, the principles of healthy lifestyles and other aspects of healthcare, has been translated into various European languages and republished several times. The uniqueness of the book is evidenced by the fact that it has been used as a textbook for almost five centuries in medical educational institutions of Europe.
During the conference, reports were heard on the role of Abu Ali ibn Sino in development of medical science, traditional medicine, pharmacology, his invaluable contribution to the development of exact and natural, socio-humanitarian sciences, views on healthy lifestyles, the principles of enlightenment and culture in scientific heritage of the great thinker.
A special place in scientific heritage of Abu Ali ibn Sino is occupied by works on philosophy. The main role in formation of his philosophical views were played by Aristotle and Farabi. However, the whole world recognized that Ibn Sino is a great genius who established a kind of school of philosophy. This was also emphasized at the conference.
At the conference, a group of scientists and organizations, who have contributed to promotion of scientific heritage of the great thinker, and realized his recommendations into practice, received international prizes named after Ibn Sino (Avicenna). This award was approved last year in France.
Within the framework of the conference, domestic and foreign scientists conducted master classes for students of Bukhara State Medical Institute named after Abu Ali ibn Sino. A Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between the Public Foundation named after Ibn Sino and this higher educational institution. Reports of foreign scientists were heard at Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies.
The participants of the conference visited the village of Afshona, where Abu Ali ibn Sino was born, laid flowers at the foot of his monument and got acquainted with the activity of the museum, telling about his life.
The khokim of Bukhara region U.Barnoyev delivered a speech at the event.