Center of scientific-technical and marketing researches “UNICON.UZ” delegation visited the University of Science and Technology (Republic of Korea) headed by the rector of the university Lee Un Wu, Information service of center reports.
Guests have submitted information about the specifics of the Korean University, created in 2003.
In particular, it was noted that the educational institution composed of leading universities and joint work on the preparation of highly qualified specialists for research centers. At the moment, 30% of students are foreigners.
At the end of the visit the sides expressed interest in mutual cooperation.
Reference: The University specializes in teaching undergraduates and doctoral students. It consists of 32 national research laboratories in the field of Education, Science and Technology of the Republic of Korea. To date, the master’s and doctoral studies enrolled 1,093 students who actively participate in government projects.
The teaching staff consists of 1840 experts. The university cooperates with foreign advanced research centers in the USA, Germany, China, Japan and Israel.