President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov signed a law “On parliamentary control” on 11 April 2016.
Legislative Chamber passed the law on 19 March 2016 and the Senate approved it on 31 March. The document came into force on 12 April.
The main purpose of the law was the creation of an integrated system of legislative base of the parliamentary control over the execution of requirements of the Constitution and laws, increasing efficiency and accountability of public authorities for the realization of their entrusted tasks and functions, as well as the most important state programs.
The law defines the subjects and objects of parliamentary control, its forms have been fixed, the measures taken as a result of parliamentary control have been regulated.
Organizational and legal measures in the consolidation of the law are of particular significance that may be adopted on the results of parliamentary control, as well as the duties of subjects of parliamentary control and state authorities in the course of its realization.
The law will be an important factor in the further implementation of the constitutional principle of separation of powers, creating between them an effective system of checks and balances, strengthening the role of the Oliy Majlis in the system of public authorities, ensuring the rule of law, legitimacy, the execution of the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, increasing an accountability of bodies of state power and management for the execution of their tasks.