Uzbekenergo state joint stock company implements an investment project “Construction of objects of external electricity supply of traction substations of the constructed electrified railway line Angren-Pap”, the company said.
The company said that the President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov signed a resolution in June 2013 on construction of railway line to integrate economy of Uzbekistan to global economy and create new international railway corridor China-Central-Asia-China.
The resolution envisages construction of railway, which will link Ferghana Valley with other regions of Uzbekistan. New railway will have 129 km length, including 19 km tunnel.
The investment project was launched in June 2013 and will last till2016. Uzbekenergo develops and will construct electricity supply objects of the project and reconstruct existing substations and distribution systems.
Uzbekenergo also works on attracting resources of international financial institutions, including World Bank.
It is planned to hold public hearings of the project to explain importance of the project and its ecologic safety.