The Legislative chamber of the Oliy Majlis held its regular session, where deputies considered and adopted the Program of employment of population for 2017 submitted by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Minister of labor Aziz Abduxakimov delivered a report at the meeting.
The Government members and deputies in their address noted the compliance of this Program with the strategy and priorities of socio-economic development of Uzbekistan, that it has been developed on the basis of system measures defined by the First President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov. The Program reflects goals and principles of all political parties – the UzLiDeP, PDPU, “Milliy Tiklanish”, “Adolat” and the Environmental movement.
They particularly emphasized the importance of tasks set by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh. M. Mirziyoev at the joint session of chambers of Oliy Majlis on 8 September 2016, related to creating real jobs, the employment of college graduates.
The priority in the Program is given to the support towards the development of small business and private entrepreneurship, the sphere of service, the employment of the population through mobilizing available resources and reserves in the branches of economy and territories.
According to the information service of the Ministry of labor of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Program provides employment in the following areas:
First, the employment at permanent workplaces in the quantity of 389.3 thousand people, including through: the creation of new jobs – 345.3 thousand, of them 131.1 thousand – in industry, 69.5 thousand – in sphere of services, 55.8 thousand – in agriculture (in the framework of the development of livestock, poultry, horticulture, etc.), 88.9 thousand – in construction and infrastructure projects, as well as 44 thousand in connection with the restoration of activity of inactive enterprises.
Second, employment of 97,7 thousand people in the sphere of individual entrepreneurship, including through loans of commercial banks.
Third, involving the community in the implementation of seasonal and temporary jobs in agriculture, agricultural processing, construction, in particular in cotton growing, grain growing, silkworm breeding, the construction of housing on model projects, social and market infrastructure in order to provide the employment of 199.1 thousand people on an annual average basis.
Fourth, the development of self-employment at personal subsidiary and dekhkan farms, craftsmanship and family entrepreneurship, which will contribute to the employment of 308.6 thousand unemployed citizens, mainly women, the disabled and other socially vulnerable categories of the population, as well as returning labor migrants.
The program is worked out taking into account the real situation on the labor market in regions and cities, with regard to growth factors of potential unemployment in certain districts that require the adoption of additional measures to increase job creation and employment, including in the field of entrepreneurship.
Particular attention in the Program is given to the employment of unemployed population, more than 500 thousand graduates of colleges, universities, etc.
For these purposes, it is planned to conduct a complex of measures in districts (cities) aimed at ensuring employment of the population, including: to establish small industrial zones; to study the existing capabilities for creating service objects in the territory of each self-government bodies (mahallas); to identify the unused and unfinished by construction production facilities and the development of proposals for their transfer to entrepreneurs; to conduct inventory of lands allocated to entrepreneurs; to identify the unused lands with their subsequent transfer to entrepreneurs; to allocate micro credits to organize own businesses; to work out “launch schedule graphics” for each facility included in the Program.
In addition, the territorial bodies within their activities will use modern information technologies, modified programs for job search, websites of the Ministry and its territorial bodies. Those who seek employment can also use services of the Single portal of state interactive services
In 2017 it is planned to involve the unemployed population in paid public work, especially at the construction of objects of transport, road and social infrastructure, the construction of housing on model projects in rural areas.
Fairs of vacant jobs serve as an effective method for promoting employment. At these events people are provided with the most complete information about the labor market, the enterprises who seek workers, job opportunities, retraining on the basis of available vacancies.
In 2017, it is planned to organize and hold at least 1,000 job fairs in all cities and districts, involving the participation of potential employers, businesses and organizations.
The implementation of the Program will allow to keep the unemployment at 5% -6%, which is acceptable by international standards.
The measures included in the Program comply with international standards, in particular, the Convention on employment No. 122, Resolutions of the 13th international conference of labor statisticians, concerning statistics of the economically active population, employment, unemployment and underemployment, the Global Jobs Pact.