October 7, the Federation of Trade Unions has organized a conference on the theme “The national dialogue on the issues of the future of labor sphere” on the occasion of the World Day for Decent Work.
The event is attended by deputies of the Legislative Chamber and members of the Senate of Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan, representatives of relevant ministries, agencies, NGOs, academic institutions and trade unions, as well as the International Labour Organization (ILO), the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), foreign diplomatic missions accredited in Uzbekistan.
It should be noted that in 2015 the ILO launched the initiative to conduct national dialogues on the future of labor sphere with the involvement of the social partners, scientific circles and civil society institutions in all countries. Uzbekistan was one of the first to support the Director General Guy Ryder’s call to conduct this dialogue.
The conference included discussions on such areas as “Work and society”, “Decent work for all”, “Organization of labor and production”, “Management of labor sphere”.
During the event, it was reported that the ILO decent work concept is based on four key strategic objectives – the realization of fundamental rights at work, employment creation and income generation, improvement of social protection systems and the strengthening of social dialogue.
In accordance with this concept, to ensure stable employment, overcome all discrimination in this area, cover all workers with labor contracts, payment of wages to an employee in an amount which is sufficient for a decent life for himself and his family, are considered as the basic elements of decent work to ensure decent work. the most important directions of ongoing work in this area are creation of favorable and safe working conditions, development of effective social security systems, implementation of the right of workers to unite in trade unions, collective bargaining and preventing all forms of child labor and forced labor.
The participants have noted that Uzbekistan has implemented concrete measures to further improve labor relations, protection of rights and legal interests of citizens in social and labor sphere, the close cooperation with ILO. Annually around 1 million jobs are created in the country, public monitoring on the authenticity of newly created jobs and decent working conditions is carried out.
At the same time, a systematic work has been conducted to promote employment through the development of home-based work, handicrafts, stimulation of livestock production in private farms. An important factor in increasing the level of formal employment sector is the development of small business and private entrepreneurship, which involves about 80 percent of all employed in the economy and provides 56 percent of gross domestic product (GDP).
In Uzbekistan, an effective state and public control is carried out in the sphere of labor, a constructive social dialogue is established among the government, trade unions and employers to implement decent work principles. There are no problems associated with the use of the worst forms of child labor, discrimination in labor relations on grounds of sex, race, language, religion and other grounds unrelated to employees’ qualifications. The growth in inequality of household incomes is not allowed.
At the conference participants have presented a number of proposals on global directions on labor sphere, enhancing the potential of the social partners. In particular, it is proposed to strengthen the institutional and technical capacity of government labor inspection for the implementation of new technologies to work with employers, communities and modern ICT, including research and development experience of foreign countries in their activities.
It is particularly emphasized the issues of supporting scientific and educational institutions, as well as the preparation of a new generation of textbooks on international labor law, the support of Call-centers of the Ministry of Labour and Trade Unions of Uzbekistan, assisting employers’ organizations in the sustainable competitiveness and accountability of enterprises.
Put forward proposals during the event will be summarized and presented to the ILO as a recommendation. This will be the contribution of Uzbekistan in the development of labor relations at the global level.