Specialists of the Ministry for Development of Information Technologies and Communications of Uzbekistan met with representatives of the global network of companies “Deloitte”, which provides consulting and audit services and included in the big four audit companies.
At the meeting, possibilities of “Deloitte” assistance in working out IT Industry Development Concept in Uzbekistan, in particular, in studying international best practices on implementation of long-term ICT development strategies. At the same time, the created concept should cover such areas as telecommunications infrastructure, the “Electronic government” system, information security, innovations, mail, logistics and e-commerce, education, training and retraining of personnel.
The Ministry for Development of Information Technologies and Communications of Uzbekistan was instructed to develop a long-term concept for ICT industry development in accordance with the resolution of the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev “On introduction of a new procedure for forming and financing state development programs of the Republic of Uzbekistan” of December 18, 2017.