Several public and state organizations have initiated the establishment of the “Development strategy” center, intended to coordinate the implementation of the Strategy on five priority directions of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021, as well as the State program “Year of dialogue with people and human interests”. The establishment of the Centre was approved by the presidential decree.
The Independent Institute for monitoring the formation of civil society, Institute for monitoring the current legislation under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Chamber of Commerce, Chamber of lawyers of Uzbekistan, Academy of public administration under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, National Association of electronic mass media, National Association of nongovernmental nonprofit organizations of Uzbekistan act as the founders of newly established nongovernmental nonprofit “Development strategy” Center. .
The Centre aims to consolidate efforts for effective organization of expert and public discussions, in-depth study and implementation of measures stipulated by the Strategy, as well as the active involvement of representatives of civil society institutions, experts and scientists in the processes of democratization and modernization of the country.
Its tasks include information and analytical support activities under the Strategy, studying the best foreign experience, etc.
The center will also put forward sound proposals for effective implementation of the Action Strategy, including the preparation of drafts and other acts, stipulated by the State program and establish cooperation with international organizations, scientific-research, informational-analytical and educational institutions.
The funding sources of the Center are funds of technical support, grants from international and domestic organizations, NGOs, funds of ministries and agencies to conduct studies and analyses, and others.
Author: IA “UzReport”