Samarkand has hosted cultural-educational event “Interethnic harmony and religious tolerance is a factor of peace and tranquility.”
The event with the participation of activists of national cultural centers, representatives of religious organizations and the general public it was noted that under the leadership of the President carried out extensive work to further strengthen the country’s prevailing atmosphere of ethnic harmony and religious tolerance.
The Constitution of our country and other legal acts stipulate that all citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan have equal rights and freedoms and are equal before the law without distinction of sex, race, nationality, language, religion, social origin, beliefs or personal or social status. Freedom of conscience is guaranteed for all. Everyone has the right to practice any religion or no religion.
On the basis of these provisions show respect for languages, traditions and customs of representatives of all nations and nationalities living in our country, conditions for their development.
Samarkand region is home to more than 100 nations and nationalities. Regional municipality of non-governmental organizations regularly hold spiritual and educational activities aimed at preserving stability of social-spiritual atmosphere, strengthening of interethnic and interreligious harmony and cohesion.
– Uzbekistan is my motherland, I was born, raised and educated on this land, the head of the regional German national cultural center Natalia Kaiser said. – I am proud that I bring a contribution to development of the country, to strengthening of international friendship. Based on personal experience, I can say that the provision of the atmosphere of generosity in Uzbekistan determined priority directions of the state policy.
During the event, the winners of sports competitions were awarded, a concert of artistic collectives of Regional Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport and national cultural centers, as well as the screening of documentary “Uzbekistan – multiethnic happy family”.