Uzbekistan to introduce a system of collective electronic appeal – petitions

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January 23, 2018

Uzbekistan to introduce a system of collective electronic appeal – petitions

According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On the State Program for implementation of the Action Strategy on five priority areas of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021 in the “Year of supporting active entrepreneurship, innovative ideas and technologies”, a system of collective electronic appeal – petitions will be introduced as a new mechanism for implementing the rights of citizens in state governance participation. This system will allow citizens to raise specific issues before representative bodies of the state power, which should respond to an appeal approved by a certain number of citizens.

Active citizens and public organizations can become the initiators of solving various problems through this mechanism. Thus, “The most important decisions concerning life of the country to be adopted on the basis of a direct dialogue” principle will be implemented in practice.