Uzbekistan’s Industrial Potential on Display

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May 25, 2014

Uzbekistan’s Industrial Potential on Display

Sector-based industrial fairs of the Complex for Agriculture and Water Resources, Reprocessing of Agricultural Produce and Consumer Goods, as well as the Complex for Information Systems and Telecommunications have opened at the Uzexpocenter in Tashkent.

They are organized in accordance with the Decree of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Measures to Further Consolidate Intra-Sector and Inter-Sector Industrial Cooperation” signed 12 November 2007.

In the first quarter of 2014, growth rates in the volumes of industrial production in Uzbekistan have been secured at 8.9 percent, and primarily in the production of consumer goods at 12.8 percent. The share of consumer goods increased in the aggregate volume of industrial production from 29.5 percent in the first quarter of 2013 up to 34.4 percent in the similar period this year.

Industrial growth constitutes a direct result of the wide-ranging efforts in modernization, technical and technological re-equipment of production lines, the expansion of cooperation ties, establishment of steadfast partnership relations, stimulation of demand for the goods of domestic manufacturers.

It is this very goal that is sought to be advanced at the International Industrial Fair and Cooperation Exchange. As part of its first phase, sector-based industrial fairs of the Complex for Agriculture and Water Resources, Reprocessing of Agricultural Produce and Consumer Goods, as well as the Complex for Information Systems and Telecommunications.

Participants of these fairs include 160 enterprises comprising the Uzpakhtasanoat Association, the Association of Food Industry Enterprises of Uzbekistan, the Uzbekyengilsanoat state stock company, the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources Management, the Uzagromashservis Association, the Uzdonmahsulot stock company, the State Committee for Communications, Information and Telecommunication Technologies and others.

Extensive expositions are demonstrated by enterprises of the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources Management of the Republic of Uzbekistan. They are the more than 30 enterprises – members of the Association Suvinshootmash who present in excess of 100 types of industrial products. Among them are the Suvmash open stock company, the Bukhoro MTZ state unitary enterprise, the Birodar enterprise, the Urama Salnik and megarezinaplast limited liability companies, and may others. Last year, the enterprises of the sector signed contracts worth 17 billion soums, and this year around they intend to do so for 42 billion soums.

“Our enterprise is the sole manufacturer of pumps and electro-machines, electro-pumping units and components in Central Asia,” Kamoliddin Bakirov, director of sales at the Suvmash open stock company, has said. “They are designated for agriculture, water supply and gas supply. Back in 2001, the enterprise was included in the Localization Program, and launched the production of 47 types of equipment to date. Within the sector-based industrial fair in 2013, agreements for 9 billion soums were inked, which allowed us to boost the manufacturing volumes and enhance exports.”

Particularly appealing to participants and visitors of the sector industrial fairs is the stand of the Association of Food Industry Enterprises of Uzbekistan. Today the association unites 180 enterprises producing fat-and-oil and meat-and-dairy products, canned food, alcoholic beverages, sugar and other goods.

According to the head of marketing department at the Association of Food Industry Enterprises of Uzbekistan Nigora Tulaganova, in excess of 50 enterprises exposing more than 80 titles of items are taking part in the current sector-based industrial fairs. New types of goods are presented in a wide range. For instance, the JV Maselko demonstrates condensed milk, diverse kinds of cream butter, while the Toshkent Sifat Sut Ltd. displays several titles of cheese, curd items and yoghurts. This year, enterprises of the sector project to reach deals for 27 billion soums.

No less impressive is the exposition of the Uzpakhtasanoat Association, whose enterprises have been taking an active part in sector-based industrial fairs for the eighth year in a row. This time around, more than 20 enterprises of the sector present in excess of 70 titles of produce, consumer goods, along with samples of those currently under elaboration and development. Principal exponents include such enterprises as the Pakhtamash open stock company, the Rusart and Ijod-ITM limited liability companies, the Samarkand Pakhtamash and others.

According to the head of department for the attraction and realization of investment projects of the Uzpakhtasanoat Association Rinat Gulamov, sector-based industrial fairs expand the opportunities for the enlargement of intra-sector and inter-sector cooperation. This year, the enterprises of the sector intend to pen agreements for 22 billion soums for the supply of components, technological equipment and spare parts for cotton ginneries.

Peculiarly appealing are the stands of enterprises of the State Committee for Communication, Information and Telecommunication Technologies of the Republic of Uzbekistan. They present receivers of digital television, diverse types of modems, IPTV attachments and multiplexors, stationary and mobile telephones and other high-tech products. Particularly outstanding is the stand of the Uzbek-Indian joint venture Olive Telecom, which has demonstrated the first tablet computer manufactured in Uzbekistan, as well as experimental samples of new mobile phones and android-smart phones.

According to organizers of sector-based industrial fairs, more detailed information on enterprises of the Complex for Agriculture and Water Resources, Reprocessing of Agricultural Produce and Consumer Goods, as well as the Complex for Information Systems and Telecommunications can be accessed at presentations.

Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan A.Ikramov delivered a speech at the opening ceremony of these industrial fairs.