In accordance with the resolution of the President of our country “On establishment and organization of activities of the Association of Walnut Producers and Exporters” of June 1, 2017, walnut plantations are being established in Gallaaral district of Jizzakh region in an intensive way, on an area of more than 1,5 thousand hectares.
From now on, there will be more walnut plantations in the district. A plan of measures on increasing the cultivation of walnuts is developed and being implemented on the basis of the resolution of the Head of our state.
At present, the work on implementation of two projects on establishment of intensive walnut plantations is being completed. “Tekhno Medium” LLC, implementing one of these projects, has established an intensive walnut plantation on 15 hectares of land.
The second major project in this direction is being implemented in “Car-Agro” LLC. A walnut plantation on 1,5 thousand hectares is being established by the enterprise in the foothill zone. Fruitful varieties of seedlings resistant to various diseases have been planted here on the recommendation of experts of Jizzakh regional scientific-experimental station of the Scientific Research Institute of Horticulture, Viticulture and Winemaking named after M.Mirzayev.
In the district, the main part of which are rainfed lands, development of horticulture is an important direction for improving the well-being of the population. For this purpose, it is planned to implement 175 projects in horticulture in 2017-2018 on the basis of a special program. About 100 of these projects should be implemented this year, including plantations of walnut, almond, pistachio trees will expand.